Not only was this bailout costly in dollars and cents but it provided the democrats with an opportunity to advance much of their agenda by holding... - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read Full... left-wing groups are arming a multimillion-dollar campaign to not only alter the voting system in this election, but to also make universal mail voting a... - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read Full...this is one of the rare situations where treasurers can unilaterally make a decision which has a real positive impact on the lives of local property owners. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullIdaho’s Fairness in Women’s Sports Act provides that “athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls shall not be open to students of the male sex.” - BY DOREEN DENNY
Read FullFear and propaganda are key weapons in this assault on constitutional government,...deployed with great skill to put in place the final element of the battle plan: - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullCompiliation of excellent video reporting by citizens revealling blatant false reporting from big media and virtual inactivity at Hospitals and emergency centers. - BY DANA ASHLIE
Read FullPlanned Parenthood received $616.8 million from taxpayers in the last fiscal year. - BY TIM BROWN
Read FullThe U.S. Constitution and most state constitutions have been suspended. Your freedom to earn a living, travel, worship, and even mingle with others have been abridged. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullIf you want to support your candidates at the ballot box, you must request an absentee ballot now. - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION
Read FullThe Bonner County Idaho Sheriff Daryl Wheeler is asking Governor Little to ease the restrictions in Idaho. - BY BRET ROUSH
Read FullThis path chosen by Idaho’s Executive Branch is unconstitutional, un-American, NOT the Idaho way. ...there is a real illness attacking our state, country, and world. - BY REP. HEATHER SCOTT
Read FullQuotiing Thomas Jefferson: "Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated." - BY BRYAN FISCHER
Read FullThere’s nothing in our constitutions that makes our rights invalid or ignorable in the event of an emergency. -BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullOnly the Idaho Freedom Index can tell you if lawmakers are really conservative, or trying to bamboozle unsuspecting voters? - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION
Read FullThe over-the-top response from all levels of government to the COVID-19 coronavirus has betrayed the very foundations of our Republic. Rights have been trampled. - BY JBS STAFF
Read FullThe U.N., known for its left-leaning, anti-Israel policies and massive money demands, says its "COVID-19 plan" could "defeat the virus and build a better world." - BY WND STAFF
Read Full...most of the nation is nearly paralyzed with fear over the Coronavirus, APC is not. I'm moving Stop Agenda 21 and Green New Deal threat. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThe tendency for governments to increase their power during crises and not relinquish that power once the crises are over is why citizens must remain eternally vigilant... -BY STEVE BYAS
Read FullAn aircraft carrier sits dockside and her over 5,000 men and women wait in quarantine as the coronavirus spreads at an accelerating rate on board. - BY FRANZ WALKER
Read FullThe tortuous final days of Evergreen State College are rapidly approaching, and only a few questions remain before this failed experiment comes to an ugly end: - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullFear-based decision-making is destroying the country; it is time for our leaders to stop watching the Fear Porn and to set some procedures and deadlines to... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullForget the headlines and models, and look at hurricane, tornado, sea level and other historic records. There is no crisis, no unprecedented warming or weather events... - BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read Full(ICAO) appears to be allowing the UN to dictate the fuels civilian aircraft can use and how much carbon dioxide emissions are allowed for international flights. - BY DR.
Read Full...they made sure the Wuhan virus would spread around the world by lying and then objecting when President Trump closed America to certain travelers from China. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullNow, we are told, the world has to come together to create a global government financed by global taxes to deal with future pandemics. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullNigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party: "“Gordon Brown doesn’t get it,” he tweeted this morning. “Globalization is the cause of our problems, not our savior.” - BY DOROTHY CUMMINGS MCLEAN
Read FullIn October, 2019, corporations, governments, and university “players” gathered at an event called Event 201, to play a simulated pandemic exercise game, and discuss global policy... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHDER
Read Full...Chinese Communist Party is using the coronavirus outbreak as cover for further persecuting religion, tearing down some churches and using cameras to carefully monitor others. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read Full...surrendering basic human rights and dignity to the government is essentially giving up and allowing yourself to be enslaved for the remainder of your life. - BY MAC SLAVO
Read FullAkiane Kramarik is an amazing artist who started painting when she was five years old and was quickly recognized to be a child prodigy. - BY BIG GEEK DAD
Read Full...the UN and WHO have become increasingly dominated by Chinese nationals, along with European, American, and African toadies for the Beijing regime. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullThis has drawn the ire of local groups such as Stronger Together Spokane & 500 Drag Queen Strong opposing TCAPP at the facility. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThis was the final week of the 2020 Legislative Session, and, as most do, this Session had its own unique characteristics at the end. - REP. SAGE DIXON
Read FullEven while confined by the governor’s stay-at-home order, our legislative work to look out for you, your family and our community goes on. -BY SENATOR MIKE PADDEN
Read FullI’m less concerned about the Legislature’s failure than I am hopeful Little will lead by example, and show that conservative principles and free markets do matter... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullMy current old analog meter, I am told by Avista workers, is very reliable and will nearly last forever while the new ones have a life... BY STEVE DUNHAM
Read Full