The complete text of America's 'Declaration of Independence' - BY CFACT ED
Read FullHow can limitations be placed on this right by the Court under the plain wording of the Constitution? Because the've been allowed to get away... - BY DONALD C.
Read FullWe are creating a communications network to dispatch people to assist local business owners or families being oppressed by a tyrannical government. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullHelp us expose the dangers of this sovereignty-destroying trade agreement and let others know we need to get out of the USMCA and keep America independent! - BY CHRISTIAN GOMEZ
Read FullThe Covid-19 'bailout money' is being used to bribe businesses to force people to wear masks. - BY DAN TITUS
Read FullAmerican clean coal technology is essential to the future of our energy industry, our economy, and our national security. - BY DAN BROUILLETTE
Read FullIf you are willing, able, or at least interested in attending in person, please reply to this message with your name and location. - BY ROBERT C. PECK
Read FullSorry, you spoiled, white-privileged, nameless, faceless, cowardly fools. BLM supports the destruction of America, and you’ve endorsed it, and they’re laughing at you. - BY L. BRENT BOZELL
Read FullThe enemies of America are exploiting public fear of death and dying for political gain. It is a colossal humanitarian hoax. - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT
Read FullIdahoans who refuse to don facemasks in Moscow, Idaho, could face misdemeanor charges under a new order signed by the mayor on Tuesday. - BY DUSTIN HURST
Read FullThey won't stop. This will only get worse and out of control, unless we draw a line in the sand, stand up to the bullies, fight them... -BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...we must not allow the unscrupulous Left and legions of blinkered bureaucrats to use our clean air to justify any more economy-crushing power grabs. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullThe strategy was obviously to keep minority populations dumb and dependent, the better to convince them hope for a better future lay right around the corner. - BY JOAN SWIRSKY
Read FullI am publishing this letter for the sole purpose that others may copy and use it for their own benefit. - BY KRISSANNE HALL
Read FullThe American public is being played...not by virtuosi, but by those who want to bring, not just America down, but the whole of Western Culture. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullIn the end, the problem is that most of us have turned our lives over to the various civil governments—from the Federal government to county governments. - BY GARY DEMAR
Read FullFor nearly a year, the “Committee on the Present Danger: China” has been warning about the Chinese Communist Party’s penetration of our capital markets, - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full...skip the comedy and chest pounding, and focus instead on relentlessly hammering home to voters what will happen if Joe Biden and the Dirty Dems run... - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullIt should be no surprise to any reader of CFACT essays that what our youth are being taught about energy is totally wrong. - BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullVaccines are not tested for cancer potential, mutation potential or impairment of fertility; there are risks associated with them. - BY DAN TITUS
Read Full…Governor is supposed to be enforcing our law, not making his own, taking money from out- of-state and creating programs however he chooses. - BY IDAHO REPRESENTATIVES
Read FullLook into your heart and find the American courage that conquers evil. We're Americans. We'd rather die on our feet than live on our knees. - BY CAPTAIN
Read FullReopening remains a success, with the positive case rate flattened, hospitalizations falling in most of the country, and deaths significantly reduced. - BY THOMAS PRICE, M.D. & C.L. GRAY, M.D.
Read Full...I’m seeing a renewed spirit growing out of the anger and frustration of the past several months, from the pandemic lockdown to the riots and destruction... - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read Full2000 acres of farmland are lost every day, increasing pressure for farmers to grow more food on less land to feed a growing.... - BY JENNIFER SHIKE AND SARA
Read FullIt shouldn’t take a pandemic to see the fault in overburdensome regulations, but the governor has now set a precedent that will ensure state agencies assess... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read also removes all freedom, individualism, and national sovereignty. Humans become nothing more than their pawns in a technocratic world, meeting economic development needs. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullDoes our freedom mean enough to us that we will stand against the programs that would eliminate our freedoms? The end result is up to you. - BY JIM HOLLINGSWORTH
Read FullThe Department of Justice has concluded that the time is ripe to realign the scope of Section 230 with the realities of the modern internet. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullThere is no reason why privately owned service could not continue with the same routes it has now with passengers paying for the privilege. - BY LAURENCE M. VANCE
Read FullRemember, the job of your representatives and senators are to work for the people, not the governor nor his agencies nor themselves. - BY IDAHO STATE REP. HEATHER SCOTT
Read FullA BSU assistant professor used her publicly-funded email account and access to students’ contact information to raise end capitalism and defund police nationwide. - BY DUSTIN HURST
Read FullDouble down the next four months. Write a bigger check, do more phone banking, more door knocking... This is the most important time in your life. – BY TREVOR LOUDON
Read FullThe TRACE Act will provide federal grants to agencies and states for Contact Tracing and the creation of teams to carry it out. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullLoudon: “Marxism has moved into changing people’s consciousness on cultural issues: Racism, Sexism, LGBTQ movements, environmentalism, art, Hollywood etc. broadening the Marxist thesis on Socialism.” – INTERVIEW BY CASEY
Read Full... large technology companies are cornering the market of information and on-line advertising in increasingly ruthless fashion for profit and societal influence. It always comes back... - BY PETER MURPHY
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