...BSU, ISU, and University of Idaho haven’t budged an inch when it comes to websites promoting BLM, with direct links to Marxist organizations and socialist thinking. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullTrump: "...now we find out what we can do about it. But you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days.” - BY JACK PHILLIPS
Read Full...look at multiple allegations of election fraud in the Battleground States (where it mattered to the election’s outcome), and the reader can judge for himself.... -BY STEVE BYAS
Read FullDemocrats are growing more nervous with each passing day, as testimonies pour in, detailing systemic election fraud. - BY LANCE D. JOHNSON
Read FullUntil the majority of voters take responsibility for their own lives and the outcome of their choices, our already compromised political freedom will be further degraded, - BY BRUCE THORNTON
Read FullMelissa Carone: “I observed numerous employees, city workers, running batches of ballots through the tabulators countless times, without discarding them first,” - BY NTD
Read FullBriand concludes that the COVID-19 death toll in the United States is misleading and that deaths from other diseases are being categorized as COVID-19 deaths. - BY MATT MARGOLIS
Read Full...endorsements have turned to condemnation and howls of rage since Fox’s inexcusable early calls of victory for Biden in key battleground states on election night. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullA contingent of ANTIFA militants reportedly traveled from the far-left commune of Portland in order to combat Trump supporters. - BY RICHARD MOOREHEAD
Read FullSheriff Bianco: "...the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department will not be blackmailed, bullied or used as muscle against Riverside County residents in enforcement of the governor’s orders,” - BY
Read FullGiuliani: "There are one thousand affidavits. This is a massive fraud all throughout the country," - BY NEWSWARS.COM
Read FullAn election integrity watchdog said the current Electoral College deadlines not only have “zero constitutional basis” but are preventing states from fulfilling their legal and ethical - BY TOM
Read FullThe most powerful man in the world commands extensive powers of declassification, and President Trump has good reason to get busy, starting with the CIA. - BY LLOYD BILLINGSLEY
Read Full...advocates of this feudalistic vision — the WEF, the UN, the IMF, and more — have decreed that “you’ll be happy.” Even leftists are freaking out. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullThe media keeps lying as Big Tech continues suppressing the free speech of those not towing the liberal party line. - BY DAVID FIORAZO
Read FullOrdinary people were conned by the Nazi/socialist hoax and believed they were saving the republic. It is entirely perverse and Orwellian. - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT
Read FullJesse Binnall: “This election was unfortunately stolen. We cannot turn a blind eye with evidence like this. We cannot allow an election to be stolen.” - BY LEAH BARKOUKIS
Read FullThe media is thoroughly corrupt. One of their favorite tactics is to hide the truth. They simply don’t report it. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullWe can depend on our friends, our neighbors, and our families. We can’t depend on the clowns in government to save us. They give away our... - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullKrebs and Travis go back a long way together as business partners in the shadowy world of intelligence, government contracts, lobbying, and consulting. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullKen Haapala:...for carbon dioxide to have significant impacts on global temperatures, humanity would have to burn more fossil fuels than are known to exist... - BY DAVID WOJICK, PhD
Read Full“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” — Joe Biden - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...those who committed election theft fell into traps tripping into “national security” traps which moves their prosecution out of civil or criminal courts and into military... - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read Full...final battle to save the America's limited constitutional government is in the Georgia Senate runoffs, it’s time for conservatives to focus all their energies there. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullFormer Air Force General Thomas McInerney and others are claiming that a CIA computer program called Hammer/Scorecard was used to steal the 2020 presidential election. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read Full...CMR’s colleagues said she’s earned this position based on her unique qualifications and experience as a leader on solutions that restore hope in the American promise. - BY KELSEY BOLAR
Read FullWill Refusal To Wear A Mask Soon Be Considered An Extension Of Free Speech, Or Will It Be Punished? - BY DAVE KIING
Read FullInslee appears to be escalating the personal targeted attacks now that his election is over. He finally gets to show us he is the boss. - BY GLENN MORGAN
Read FullOf all the stupid maneuvers by patriots, yesterday’s Breitbart.com attack on Lin Wood is among the dumbest we’ve ever seen. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullAfter Nov. 3, the meaning of some words and concepts abruptly changed. Have you noticed how new realities have replaced old ones? - BY VICTOR DAVIS HANSON
Read FullIt’s probably not coincidental that this is occurring in the midst of a CIA style rigged election in an attempted coup of a sitting president. – BY DANIEL NATAL
Read FullCalls on president to 'honor your oath of office' to defeat Deep-State coup. - BY LEO HOHMANN
Read FullEconomist Dr. Walter Williams RIP: Freedom’s greatest defender – ‘Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man’ – BY THE STAFF OF CLIMATE DEPOT
Read FullElection theft is an act of WAR, and now we must defend our nation from traitorous Democrats and their co-conspirators. - BY LANCE D. JOHNSON
Read FullThe media stole the 2020 presidential election, plain and simple. They did it over the course of four years by creating a caricature of Donald Trump... - BY DON FEDER
Read Full“I don't believe for a second that our country will accept vice president Biden as the next president...based on the greatest fraud in US history." - BY LEO HOHMANN
Read Full