The election battle is not between Republicans and Democrats but between good and evil, right and wrong. - BY STEVE DUNHAM
Read FullPelosi said...that the House would hold a recorded roll call vote on the standalone measure Monday, Fox News correspondent Chad Pergram reported. - BY THOMAS CATENACCI
Read FullAfter the initial panic surrounding covid-19, objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore. - DOCS 4 OPEN DEBATE
Read Full…Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko informed Kent that he was offered “high-level” access to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign by the same firm that represented Burisma Holdings. – BY TOM FITTON
Read Full"My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election was over grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything... " - BY ALEX NITZBERG
Read FullIn addition, several other fact-checkers that Facebook employs aside from Lead Stories also have problematic links, with many of them having left-leaning backgrounds. - BY FRANZ WALKER
Read FullIn particular, states James Troupis (shown), pressure from the Left is stopping lawyers and judges from accepting and hearing vote-fraud cases. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullThe bill only gives $200 billion to the suffering Americans and much of the remaining $700 billion to foreign countries and apparatchiks. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullAs is the case with other COVID-19 restrictions, it appears the repercussions of partially closing down Idaho’s judicial system will also be substantial and long lived. - BY MATT TOBECK
Read FullThose of us who are over 35...grew up in a different America. We were taught, very directly, what it means to be an American. - BY LARRY P. ARNN
Read FullRand Paul: "To so-called conservatives who are quick to identify the socialism of Democrats: If you vote for this spending monstrosity, you are no better.” - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read FullRussian diplomat: “Donald Trump is doing something his predecessors lacked courage to do,...It is well past time Americans learned from our disastrous role in Afghanistan..." - BY RICHARD WALKER
Read FullThe protesters expressed opposition to the state’s ordering of certain businesses to close. ...some of the protesters were armed with rifles, handguns, and even a pitchfork. - BY BOB
Read FullThe idea that Trump, Flynn and the Patriotic American Military are going to give up is not consistent with a great deal of information that... - BY TIMOTHY WULFF
Read Full...because of knowledge of events such as the World Internet Conference, we now know why Silicon Valley is so eager to help the CCP’s preferred candidate. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read FullThere is considerable debate among economists about the extent which tax cuts stimulate growth and “pay for themselves.” certainly doesn’t look like taxes were reduced. - BY FRED BIRNMAUM
Read FullTrump has been coy about any plans he has made for the future. He recently called for a massive protest on Jan. 6, the day Congress meets...- BY JACK DAVIS
Read FullRadical Democrats seek expansion of their power, and Republicans just want to retain liberties assured by the constitution. Which is the more reasonable position to hold? - BY DAVE KING
Read Full...the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” initiative in response to the coronavirus pandemic is an attempt to manipulate “citizens and nations through ignorance and fear”... - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullIt is clear that Swalwell would fail such a test, and so would China Joe Biden. This makes it imperative that Trump stay in office... - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read Full“The machines and also the signature verifications. Let us see the signatures in Fulton County, Georgia, and a couple of other places, let us see the signatures - BY ZACHARY STIEBER
Read Full“There are many ways you can place a price on carbon, I think regulation is one of them,” McCarthy said,... - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullLet’s learn from history and not allow tyrants to leave us deprived of the power to protect and preserve the liberty granted us by God. - BY JOE WOLVERTON,
Read FullDeep State supporting minions who screamed, “Don’t do it,” are terrified over the prospect of President Donald Trump exercising his authority to declare martial law. - BY MARK MEGHAN
Read Full“I can promise you: President Trump is being terribly served by his advisers,” Byrne said, “They want him to lose and are lying to him. - BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV
Read FullC.A. Fitts: “If you look at the Covid 19 restrictions, they were clearly aimed at wiping out the businesses of millions of Trump supporters." - BY GREG HUNTER
Read FullOur grandchildren should be begging us to ‘patriot up’ and get America back to what brought our demanding accountability and enforcement of laws. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullSince the Black Diamond's reopening this past week it inspired another bar, Stormin’ Norman's Shipfaced Saloon to also follow suit and open back up to support... - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullGot that? ‘Because I had to have it’ will become an excuse to steal someone else’s property. - BY J.D. HEYES
Read FullWe just saw Justice Roberts exposed as a traitor, now we will get to see which members of Congress are traitors and which are patriots. - BY TIMOTHY WULFF
Read FullSuch an election would heal the government of the nation immediately and it is not just something that might happen, it is something that must happen. - BY TIMOTHY WULFF
Read FullThe United States raised serious concerns about having the People’s Liberation Army conduct military exercises just north of the U.S. border with a U.S. ally. - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullI am afraid that this generation may be the last to enjoy the freedoms we have long taken for granted. - BY RAUL R. LABRADOR
Read FullIn Longview, Washington - Stuffy's Restaurant recognized they would either go under or go down fighting in Governor Inslee's lockdown world. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullFormer national security adviser Michael Flynn says President Donald Trump has options to make sure the integrity of the 2020 election remains intact, including seizing voting - BY GREG KELLY
Read FullThe role of neocons today is to assist globalist elites and operatives in major media, the Democrat Party, and establishment GOP in ousting President Trump... - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read Full