U.S. Constitution, Article 2, disqualifies Harris from being President because she is not a natural born citizen and 12th Amendment disqualifies her from the Vice Presidency - BY STEVE DUNHAM
Read Full...resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to [former] Vice President [Joe] Biden.” - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read Full...we’re starting to see Chinese influence on steroids starting in the new administration, and those who are around those folks in the new administration... - BY CHUCK ROSS
Read FullWith an increasingly unchecked China in ascendancy, our world is changing before our eyes, minute by minute. Transnational elites are in process of taking over. - BY ROGER L. SIMON
Read FullTrump proposing a robust rescission package and Congress passing it would be an important first step toward making controlling spending a priority. - BY MATTHEW DICKERSON
Read FullIn addition to destroying the economy through coronavirus and degrading the military, China also had a hand in riots that swept the nation earlier this year, - BY RENEE
Read FullThis comes after a group of 11 Republican senators announced their intention to challenge the electoral college votes from contested states earlier on Saturday. – BY JANITA KAN
Read FullWe’ve even speculated that some members of Congress might resign on the spot after seeing this evidence. Others might face arrest for their complicity in crimes... - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullThough Kamala Harris was born in the US, because neither of her parents were American citizens, she isn't qualified to be president under the Constitution. - BY JOE WOLVERTON
Read FullBecause the United States Supreme Court abdicated its constitutional responsibility to hear the Texas case, results of the 2020 presidential election are invalid and should not... – BY DONALD BROCKETT
Read Full“The fraud was so massive and so blatant, despite what the mainstream media said, that we need to get this information out to the public,” - BY TERRI WU
Read FullGranted, President Trump’s personality does not suit everyone. OK, hate him if you must, but don’t let the anti-Trump globalists use hate to steal the election. - BY WILLLIAM F. JASPER
Read Full… the website for the University of Idaho’s Confucius Institute has been taken down, but the institute’s office remains in the university’s administration building. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullThe coronavirus is merely a useful crisis for them to exploit as a rationale for the draconian measures they have always wanted. - BY BRANDON SMITH
Read FullDoctors joins together in this powerful video exposing the dangers of taking the mandatory COVID vaccine. - FROM DOCTORS AROUND THE WORLD
Read FullIt is no accident that the “land of the free” is being forced to watch its own economic viability disintegrate while the Chicoms point and laugh... BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullOur Founding Fathers risked being hanged by the neck till dead to found our great land. Now similar courage is needed,... - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullWe need rock-solid integrity, uncompromising moral character, that steely-eyed warrior spirit that existed at our founding? If we settle for less, we get what we deserve. – BY ROGER KOOPMAN
Read FullAmazingly, more Democrats than Republicans voted not to override the veto. Seven Democrats voted no, while only five Republicans voted no. - BY DIANNE HERMANN
Read Full“Our Republican Senate just missed the opportunity to get rid of Section 230, which gives unlimited power to Big Tech companies,” Trump stated in a Twitter post. - BY ALLEN ZHONG
Read FullNews outlets are already drumming up the fear of another coronavirus strain and vaccines are already being developed to ensure the world that another round... - BY LANCE D. JOHNSON
Read Full“What we’re talking about doing is having the mass movement opening across the state of Oregon throughout all of our local communities on January 1st... - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read FullThis fight is about whether our Republican Form of Government, with honest & verifiable elections, is to be restored; or whether our Right to choose our... - BY PUBLIUS HULDAH
Read FullI say these four simple attributes are all any of us has going for us. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full...we analyze a more comprehensive theory of the Nashville bombing which reveals a desperate ploy by the CIA/FBI to destroy key evidence of election fraud. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullHawley’s objection is crucial for House Republicans who want to stop election thief Biden from making off with the presidency. - BY R. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullAfter the crisis comes the recovery. And if you thought the crisis had hit small businesses hard, wait until you see how hard the recovery is. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read Full...local judges, state officials, election managers or even governors simply said a requirement of some sort would be ignored, technically creating ballots that are in violation... - BY BOB UNRUH
Read FullSuch breadth and scale of election fraud does not – cannot – occur spontaneously or organically. No, this was and is a plot to overthrow the USA. - BY THOMAS WIGAND
Read FullThe effort…aims to “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence… - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullShe discussed ATF withdrawing guidance on a proposal to ban 3-4 million AR-15 pistol braces, which would have been the largest gun confiscation effort in US... - BY GABRIELLA HOFFMAN
Read FullOver 600 people attended the rally. This number is probably understated because they marched around the courthouse, and a local activist used a hand counter to count... - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullGlobalists’ “Great Reset,” being pushed as part of COVID scare, gives new meaning to “Don’t worry, be happy.” Under it, government owns all and provides all. – BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullHere’s to a free society, a restoration and recommitment to the principles of freedom, and absolute opposition to anything less in 2021. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read Full...is such a slam dunk, any judge who threw these cases out is dirty; any prosecutor who can’t convict these scammers should lose his license... - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThis unchecked perfect storm of power inevitably creates governments that become like some veracious, villainess vampire operating with an insatiable, rapacious appetite devouring substances of our future. – BY KRISANNE HALL
Read Full