The Texas blackouts were a picnic compared to what’s coming when they pull the plug on the global debt Ponzi scheme. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullThe dire COVID warnings continue as Democrats exploit them in law and mandates, but what they don’t say is cases are down 77%... - BY M. DOWL.ING
Read FullObama tried his best to destroy the economy, high-paying jobs, healthcare, the US energy industry, the great American middle class, our relationship with Israel, American exceptionalism... - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullAaron & Caitlin Schimdt pressed the issue that the college was in violation of the Idaho Open Meeting Law with Coeur d'Alene Police. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullDavid Horowitz: There’s no evidence that protective-mask mandates are correlated with a reduced spread of the coronavirus. If anything, the opposite is true." - BY MATTHEW VADUM
Read FullDestructive policies, enacted by governments across the world, clearly originated among globalist think tanks and supranational institutions long before the emergence of this non-existent pandemic. - BY IAIN DAVIS
Read FullJoseph Farah notes China-favoring Republican couple are showing their true colors and don't have a future in the Republican Party. We're tired of being good losers. - BY JOSEPH FARAH
Read FullAny denial of the Left’s part in the violence requires deliberate ignorance of known facts and intellectual dishonesty that breaches the borders of morality. - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullBig Green and the wind and solar industries are in non-stop spin-mode, trying to drum up an alternative narrative to shift the blame from their failed policies. -BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullShooters don’t just want money. They’re way past that. The idea is idiotic. People shouldn’t be paid for not shooting people. These people are nuts. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...further U.S. sanctions could push the southeast Asian country further into the embrace of China. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full...the official death numbers for Chinese virus are at least 1,600% too high, which was done on purpose to thwart the outcome of the 2020 election. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullTopics discussed included; people’s rights, mask mandate, vaccinations, property tax and cannabis. The majority of the time was taken up by two questions regarding abortion. - VIDEO BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full...the World Economic Forum stated, “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy,” when referring to their new economic model they have planned for the world. -BY ADAM HOUSER
Read FullTo stop the Left’s accelerated agenda to upend academics completely in America, parents must pursue truth and discover what their children are being taught in both... - BY ANNALISA PESEK
Read FullFacebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made comments last year about COVID-19 vaccines that clash with policies that his platform has implemented, leaked video shows. - BY ZACHARY STIEBER
Read FullAs this years legislature bumbles forward and stumbles over itself, it is worthwhile to review the weirdness and the strange aspects of this time. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullBoise State and the University of Idaho will continue enforcing sex-based discrimination and fostering tokenism for as long as they can get away with it. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read Full“Rush will forever be the greatest of all time,” said Kathryn. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe weather will be weaponized and the media by and large will simply march along to what they are told. - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullElectric vehicles emit more carbon dioxide than combustion engine vehicles AND Fossil fuel affords more freedom, which is why they want it gone. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullRadio legend, conservative commentator Rush Hudson Limbaugh III has died today at age 70, ending an era of broadcasting inwhich he revolutionized the talk-radio industry. - BY STEVE BYAS
Read FullAs Slow Joe slows down even further, Dr. Jill will probably quietly take over more of his Oval Office duties, while Kamala gradually becomes the public face... BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullBoth the House and Senate are working hard to improve Idaho education. Be sure to see 'Career Technical Education and a Pathway to Workplace Readiness.' - BY REP. VITO
Read FullIn this legislative update I will tell you about some of the bills that survived this deadline, including some of my bills to help those... - BY SENATOR MIKE PADDEN
Read FullIt is customary for former presidents to receive intelligence briefings if requested. However, our unifying president will deny Donald Trump any briefings should he ask ..., - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullIn this twelve minute interview Mr. Herndon discusses his thoughts on the upcoming legislative session and the odds of passing abortion legislation. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read those with the power to impeach really want to open that Pandora’s Box only to find themselves consumed when the change in political winds come... - BY KRISANNE HALL,
Read FullOne full month after Sicknick’s death, no autopsy has been released, investigators are “vexed by a lack of evidence, and he was hurriedly cremated. - BY REVOLVER NEWS EDITORS
Read FullA break down of Time magazine propaganda piece of Deep State's “conspiracy” to overthrow Trump involving “cabal” of Big Labor, Business, Tech, Media and Government,... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullSo now, I’m a political prisoner…in America. My opinions are banned. What’s next? Black armbands for conservatives? Gun confiscation? Re-education camps? - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullI fear lockdowns/mask mandates will pale in comparison to what will be called for if the American left’s climate agenda gets the force of law. - BY TREVOR THOMAS
Read Full...plans for EV domination of vehicle population are like having the plans to build a large house without sufficient materials available to ever finish the house. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullDavid Schoen: “In short, this unprecedented effort is not about Democrats opposing political violence. It is about Democrats trying to disqualify their political opposition.” - BY TOM OZIMEK
Read FullThomas Jefferson: “When the people fear the government there is tyranny.” That is exactly what Biden-Harris administration and its leftist hordes want.” - BY LARRY KLAYMAN
Read FullTromp’s evidence proves too much. The Legislature can now see BSU clearly for what it is – a Social Justice University. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read Full