
What Was Behind 9/11?

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The collapse of those buildings are still questioned, studied,and those narratives have been countered.  Efforts by ae911 to publish information on its findings have been rejected... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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Why is the U.S. in the U.N?

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Why aren’t we doing everything we can to get the U.S. out of the U.N? That will solve most of the civilized world’s problems. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT

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Climate Change: The Science Doesn’t Support the Heated Rhetoric

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Stop believing everything you read about climate change. You’ve been misled. There is no climate crisis. - BY ROY SPENCER

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Jury nullification makes that possible, which is why the government doesn’t want us to know, learn, or use it. - BY MICAHEL BOLDIN

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December 29, 2013 –   DNC Sees Impeachment For Obama On The Marxist Horizon

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Obama's basically made the executive branch the controlling body, making the judicial and legislative branches merely parrots of his policies. They have been compromised and neutered. - BY TERESA MONROE-HAMILTON

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The Democrat Party’s History of Anarchy – Part 4

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Whether enforcing Jim Crow laws or turning blind eyes on union violence, the Democrat Party hasn't been shy about embracing violence to get what they want. - BY STEVEN NEILL

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The Entire U.S. Congress Is Violating Their Constitutional Oaths by Allowing Kackling Kamala to Run Because She Is NOT a ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ and Cannot Serve as President!!! – Art. 2 of the U.S. Constitution

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Kamala Harris’s parents were foreign exchange students when she was born, her mother from India and her father from Jamaica. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK

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DoD shreds all remaining constitutional protections from Posse Comitatus Act in anticipation of post-election Civil War 2.0

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The directive expands the definition of "national security threats," aligning with the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) broader definition of domestic terrorism threats. - BY EHTAN HUFF

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Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?

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I'm still not confident Republicans will be successful in quashing the tsunami of fraudulent votes Democrats are planning to unleash over the next three weeks. - BY ROBERT RINGER

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The Video: ‘NO FARMERS, NO FOOD,’ A Major Speaking Event Presented by The John Birch Society CEO William Hahn

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Environmental concerns are being used as pretexts to impose regulations that will devastate America’s family farms and abundant food supplies. - BY JBS CEO WILLIAM HAHN

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The UN Said It Themselves

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"Overall, the agreement of the 'Pact for the Future' is a strong statement of countries’ commitment to the UN, the international system and international law." - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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The Many Lies of Bob Woodward

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Bob Woodward lied about Nixon, Watergate, the war in Iraq, Iran-Contra and John Belushi. Why should we believe his latest lies about President Donald Trump? - BY ROGER STONE

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Bob was one of the best firearms/self-defense instructors I ever met. His skillful teaching saved many lives and kept many good people out of trouble. - BY MASSAD AYOOB

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Democrats Resume Election Denial Ahead of 2024, Won’t Vow to Certify Trump Victory

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As for November’s election, it appears Democrats are again prepared to push election disinformation and debunked, far-left conspiracy theories should Trump win. - BY C. CORT KIRKWOOD

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Thomas Jefferson’s Solution from the Revolution

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"A nullity" and "we declare these acts void" This was the bold conclusion about British Acts that Thomas Jefferson came to in his powerful 1774 pamphlet, - BY MICHAEL

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Is Trump Wrong to call Kamala Harris a Communist?

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I wrote “STEALTH: Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots“ as a warning. Please read it and share it with as many people as you can. - BY TREVOR LOUDON

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Using Private Property To Monetize Nature

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Without any congressional authorization, technocrats are taking actions in multiple government sectors, making policy through executive fiat, one of which is on natural resources. -BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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 UN ‘Pact for the Future’ Draws Concerns Over CCP Backing

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Among the key provisions is “transforming global governance” and further empowering international institutions across a range of issues, including “sustainable development and financing for development,”... - BY ALEX NEWMAN

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Hurricane Helene victims call out Biden and Kamala: “There is no government aid. None. Zero.”

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Besides not helping victims, the government that is on the ground in Appalachia is actually turning away volunteers and threatening them with punishment if they disobey. - BY ETHAN HUFF

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Make America STATES Again

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“What Degree of Madness?” Madison’s Method to Make America STATES Again, by Wolverton, ought to be required reading for all American citizens, especially state lawmakers. - BY CHRISTIAN GOMEZ

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Get Ready For The New Vaccine

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It wasn't enough that the Covid-19 vaccine caused so much harm, now a new turbo charged vaccine is in the works. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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‘First Do No Pharm’: New documentary exposes Big Pharma corruption

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Dr. Aseem Malhotra: “Most doctors don’t even realize that the research that they use to make [decisions] is often, if not mostly, unreliable and potentially harmful..." - BY SUZANNE BURDICK,

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Hidden Agendas: Beware of the Government’s Push for a Digital Currency

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...we need stricter laws on data privacy and an Electronic Bill of Rights that protects “we the people” from predatory surveillance and data-mining business practices... -BY JOHN WHITEHEAD

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United Against Prop 1

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A handful of affiliated Republicans have joined forces with Idaho Democrats to promote Proposition 1, but they are few and far between. - BY BRIAN ALMON

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What City Planners Are Really Planning and How to Challenge It

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There is only one right approach for a community to come together to discuss and solve common problems: open discussion, honest debates and votes,... BY TOM DEWEESE

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Inside UN’s “Pact for the Future” to Kill National Sovereignty

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Critically examine the UN's global initiatives and consider how global decisions echo through national policies and impact national and individual sovereignty. - BY THE STAFF OF LIBERTY SENTINEL

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License Plate Readers Are Cataloguing More Than Just Plates

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There are no controls over mass surveilance and there is potentially a lot of information stored on government databases they can access with AI. - BY M DOWLING

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A Roadmap for Ending Property Taxes

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Let’s not allow another decade pass without restraining spending and making the tax cuts necessary to finally liberate Idahoans from the shackles of property taxes. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM

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Another Reason Why Illegal Aliens Are Needed

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It's about using illegal aliens for a globalist agenda to erase the sovereignty, identity, and culture of each nation for global citizenship in a global world. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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DEI Would Strangle North Idaho College

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Will NIC remain a local community college offering real world training and skills or will it become a DEI nest controlled by progressives in Seattle and Boise. -BY BRENT REGAN

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Is the Worst Yet to Come?

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Tens of millions of people are going to vote for this pure, unadulterated manure. The worst is yet to come, because people have'nt yet suffered enough. - BY ROBERT RINGER

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The Real Way to End Poverty And It’s Not by Government

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Poverty can never be eradicated – and will increase – until government gets out of the way and everyone has equal opportunity to own and benefit... - BY TOM DEWEESE

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Union for Postal Workers, Who Will Handle Ballots, Endorses Kamala Harris

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Few other democracies in the world use vote-by-mail, and many democracies refuse to allow absentee voting except in limited circumstances. - BY JOEL B. POLLAK

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Deconstructing America

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America;s being systematically deconstructed through interstate compacts, regionalism, and public-private partnerships, supporting WEF goals for the Great Reset's Fourth Industrial Revolution, and UN sustainable development goals (SDG). - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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Government Crimes Against Humanity

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To continue to spend trillions of borrowed dollars on top of a $35 trillion debt is nothing short of a crime against humanity. - BY ROBERT RINGER

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Candidate Recommendations

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KCRCC held a special meeting on Tuesday to review the candidates for the November election and to vote by secret ballot on which candidates they would recommend.- BY BRENT REGAN

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