A MUST SEE! From Black Panthers and BLM'ers, to Communist Party supporters to "Maoist" multi-millionaires Kamala Harris owes everything she has to enemies of America. - BY TREVOR LOUDON
Read FullIf the murder of Ashli Babbitt was not an assassination, the government should prove it. ...like she was invited into the Capitol, surrounded, and killed. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullSecretary Lloyd Austin is a revolutionary bent on destroying the military as it stands and as the administration obviously has directed him to do. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full“for the same reason, the media and others who claim that we have excellent election integrity, have no legitimate basis to make such assertions.” - BY RAYMOND WOLFE
Read FullU.S. virus research programs are deeply infiltrated by China and the Chinese military. - BY COL. LAWRENCE SELLIN (RET.)
Read FullThe former Massachusetts Democratic senator, presidential candidate, and secretary of state has a habit of being in the center of many of the worst policies... - BY LARRY BELL
Read Full...snitch surveillance is the lovechild of the government’s post-9/11 “See Something, Say Something” programs combined with the self-righteousness of a politically correct, technologically-wired age. - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullSince the Democrats and their media have defined virtually any disagreement as “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories”, most conservatives can be accused of terrorism. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullURGENT: Next Week (June 14-18) the U.S. Senate will vote on S.1, the so-called "For The People Act," which if enacted would result in an unconstitutional federal takeover of elections. - BY JBS
Read FullLiberals have argued that citizens do not need guns to defend themselves, that they should rely on police. Now they want to get rid of police! - BY ART MACOMBER
Read FullHere is what people who do not actually look at the weather, but use it for nefarious purposes do not want you to understand. - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullNothing is more important to the future of our Republic than for citizens to learn our Constitution, watch voting indexes and informing others to do the same... BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullCritical race theory and social justice remains baked into our education systems, despite the actions of the 2021 legislative session. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullRather than help “save lives” as they claimed to do, eugenicists Bill Gates and Tony Fauci actually launched a global genocide that is still in motion. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullChildren struggle academically due to schools providing a poor educational foundation suited to their needs, not because they need more seat time in school. -BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullThough labeled “divisive,” and his ministry “concerning,” Father Altman remains a fearless warrior for Christ and for freedom. - BY ANNALISA PESEK
Read FullUnless both supply and demand change in tandem, merely curbing oil majors’ output will either shift production to less accountable producers or have potentially severe consequences... - BY RUPERT DARWELL
Read FullSheriff Richard Mack and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association encourage the formation of Support Your Local Police committees in your community. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullIf freedom-loving Americans support their cities, counties, and peace officers in resisting unconstitutional oppression we could save the Constitution and millions of American lives... - BY GENE VAN SHAAR
Read FullWhen you follow the money behind the toxic chemicals on masks, you open a giant can of worms. - BY ROBERT CARNAHAN
Read FullUnder the leadership of constitutionally minded sheriffs and elected commissioners, the two rural counties in Nevada decided to become “constitutional counties” where the rights of citizens... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullWe hear them over, and over, and over again — the same, tired, worn out misconceptions or downright lies about nullification and why they are wrong. -BY MIKE MAHARRY
Read FullLet’s flip the fossil fuel script with so-called renewables and see what that looks like. - BY MARK MATHIS
Read FullThe Biden administration is filled with individuals who have ties to Communist China. Bill Burns, the current Biden-picked CIA Director, has over a decade-long relationship with the (CUSEF)...- BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read FullParents need to recognize public officials are increasingly promoting a politically malevolent agenda as “good” for your kids. The question is: Will parents be fooled? - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullSurveilling, and ultimately punishing, those not behaving in a climate-friendly manner is how the climate oligarchy plans to keep itself in power. - BY BONNER COHEN, Ph.d.
Read Full...the Pentagon has approved gender reassignment surgery for active-duty personnel, China is planning to invade Taiwan. Iran resumes nuclear enrichment. Our troops are getting diversity training. - BY RAY DILORENZO
Read Full...prejudice and passion ‘against’ the American people might be respected by Russia’s Pravda but it is abhorrent to we who expect a Free Press - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full...applying new vaccinated individuals rules resulting in siignificant numbers of false negatives and undercount of cases, ending up with statistics conforming to propaganda... - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read Full...racial animosity is being taught in America’s schools under the rubric of Critical Race Theory and Ethnic Studies programs is a Marxist revolution and criminal sedition. - BY CLARE LOPEZ
Read FullHow Marxists in America expect to seize power completely. - BY CLARE LOPEZ
Read FullThe DOJ is threatening states by lying about voter integrity laws. Something is seriously wrong here. Garland is a liar and he’s abusing his power. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullBanned by Twitter and in jail with Facebook speaks to the reality that Ben Garrison is over the target and speaking to what America is about. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullFor a century, the globalist Council on Foreign Relations has been the “power behind the throne” in U.S. politics continues under the Biden Administration. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullThe Idaho Freedom Foundation, by supporting the will of the people, absolutely poses a serious threat to the will of the people in leadership. - BY BRENT REGAN
Read Full...climate change alarmists love claiming that every hurricane and storm is some sort of proof that we’re being punished for emitting carbon dioxide, the truth is... - BY CASSIE B,
Read Full