Most importantly, the new lockdown will be perceived as so overreaching and totalitarian that nationwide protests will soon commence. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullCommunity has replaced the traditional American city/county government power structure with an: in the open – but covert power structure. - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read FullIdaho’s House Ethics Committee is ascribing motives to a member of Idaho’s House of Representatives that do not and did not exist. - BY TRUE IDAHO NEWS STAFF REPORTER
Read FullThe left-wing progressive New York Times and ACLU do not deserve the trust of fair-minded Americans. However, even a broken clock is right twice a day. - BY JOSEPH KLEIN
Read FullBlack Rifle Coffee executives made remarks that Kyle Rittenhouse and those who defend him are racists who need to be “flushed down the toilet.” - BY THOMAS COOPER
Read FullKaren Kingston says a secret ingredient in CV19 vaxes is a known human poison called Graphene Oxide. She contends the injections are 'evil' amounting to bio-weapons... - BY GREG HUNTER
Read FullThe data reported every year by AIMS shows all areas go through these cycles every decade or two. - BY PETER RIDD
Read FullThe NYT deploys the strategy of publishing discrediting narratives based on bold lies first, only to later issue corrections that are buried and no... - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullEmployers “going with the flow” of the pressure campaign to force people into getting the vaccine...become collaborators (co-conspirators?) with whatever agenda is actually driving this. BY THOMAS C. WIGAND
Read FullPeople are not excited about buying electric vehicles, so word has it that the Biden administration is gearing up to force us to do it. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullThere’s plenty of time for Biden to get instructions from the “real” president other than at his Birthday Party. - BY JUDI MCLEOD
Read FullPlease do that which is right and stop the politics. The character and integrity of the great State of Idaho must be preserved. - BY TIM KASTNING
Read FullIf the essence of liberty is a limited government, then the positive actions and involvement of its free citizens will forever sustain our cause for freedom. - BY MICHAEL FLYNN
Read FullNearly 400 children between the ages of 12 and 17 were diagnosed with heart inflammation after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, - BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV
Read FullPerhaps the real that no House Rule exists for investigating unethical actions of the “Ethics” Committee, nor reasonably put in check a rogue Speaker ... - BY DANIEL
Read FullDemand answers! Does your Doctor belong to these medical organizations controlled by left-wing radical Ezekiel Emanuel? - BY RENEE NAL
Read FullThe upcoming ethics probe into recent conduct of Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger has all the earmarks of a fascist dictatorship. - BY SHARI DOVALE
Read Full... Left-leaning city councilmembers in Burien seem determined to both imitate the failed polices of their big sister city (Seattle) next door, and also become a puppet... - BY GLENN MORGAN
Read FullOf the 469 cases detected in Barnstable County, 74 percent occurred among the fully vaccinated, according to a new study published on Friday. - BY ZACHARY STIEBER
Read FullMorano: "Greta Thunberg has done more to instill alarm in young people with scientific nonsense than any person in the world.” - BY CFACT ED
Read FullFox has rejected the ad. OAN and Newsmax have both agreed to run it. OAN also previously aired "docu-movies" made by Lindell about election fraud. - BY ELIE CANTIN-NANTEL
Read FullThe Chairman of the Idaho House Ethics Committee is Rep. Sage Dixon. Did he look at ALL the facts before authorizing this witch hunt? - BY SHARI DOVALE
Read FullThis is HUGE news and I pray that we are able to stop the Democrats from covering their tracks any further! - BY THOMAS COOPER
Read FullWhile mask mandates are not the same as full lockdowns, the same sentiment applies. Once a government gains power, it is not likely to relinquish it. - BY GRANT ATKINSON
Read FullTrump supporters are now being called ‘terrorists’ by the Marxist Democrats. If tyranny comes, can gulags be far behind? - BY BEN GARRISON
Read FullPoliticians, in their lust for political power and societal control, go on trying to make us believe they can do these impossibilities through their incessant dishonesty. - BY PETER MURPHY
Read FullWe can already say that the health authorities lied and children died. They, not the January 6 defendants, should be brought up on serious charges. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read Full...why are Biden, Dr. Fauci and the CDC trying to cover for China by scapegoating unvaccinated Americans? ...Are they on China’s payroll? - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...Is Smart Growth racist? ...where the UCCAA advocates that inner city living is more damaging to minorities, what other conclusion can we come to? - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullIf China escapes responsibility for COVID-19 and its bioweapons program is allowed to continue, there will likely be another, perhaps more deadly, attack. - BY JOE HOFT
Read Full...with growing disinterest of the public toward the COVID jabs, its promoters are “getting down to pressure, coercion, threats of reprisal, and even forced vaccination.” - BY JOHN-HENRY WESTON
Read FullThe ISRCC urges Idahoans who do not support our party platform to voluntarily disaffiliate from the Idaho Republican Party. – BY THE KOOTENAI COUNTY REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE
Read FullIdaho is one of seven states that still utilizes an antiquated resource-based funding formula for appropriating education dollars. - BY ANNA K. MILLER & NIKLAS KLEINWORTH
Read FullAll types of people manage to get elected to local government. Great.. bad...mediocre, and some of them are just weirdos. - BY GLENN MORGAN
Read FullBiden is also preparing to bring back Obama’s Waters of the US (WOTUS) rule that will impose federal zoning on millions of acres of private land. - BY BONNER COHEN
Read convenient and how coincidental that more than $100,000 of public money from the House legal fund has been spent to “investigate” Bedke’s political rival... - BY HAZAFI POLGÁR
Read Full