Cruz told colleagues, “This bill would constitute a federal government takeover of elections. It would constitute a massive power grab by Democrats. - BY REPUBLICANDAILY.NET ADMINISTRATOR
Read Full...Biden’s insistence on undoing the previous administration’s regulatory reforms will make it harder and more expensive than ever to achieve his own goals ... - BY RICK PERRY & JASON
Read FullIf government can force us to close our businesses, to kill our jobs, to decide who is nonessential, then this is 1938. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullTraubel said police chiefs are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of cities' mayors, whereas the office of sheriff is a Constitutional position. -BY TRUE IDAHO NEWS STAFF
Read Full...allowing our enemies to literally buy our country is a dangerous folly that will inevitably lead to our defeat. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullDid you know that capitalism helps the environment? It may sound strange to some, but when one looks at the facts, it’s true. - BY ADAM HOUSER
Read FullCoeur d’Alene school officials are changing classroom content in mathematics to move away from facts and objective truth to focus on ideological, racially charged activism. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullThe discoveries gained from intense forensic research of our 2020 election leaves everyone involved deeply concerned about the future of our nation and the world. - BY COL. PHIL WALDRON
Read irregularities found in Windham, New Hampshire, that four candidates, all of whom were Republicans, were shorted by about 300 votes each. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullIs Chinese-style ‘authoritarian capitalism’ coming to the United States? That is a very real possibility as a result of the climate policies being imposed by President Biden... - BY CFACT
Read FullContrary to protests by the lefitst business lobby Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry, forced vaccinations is not an employer-employee relationship issue. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullAt its core, the Great Reset is an attempt to enforce socialism through private companies rather than only through the government. - BY SAM JACOBS
Read FullAccording to Marik, a mass distribution program of ivermectin together with melatonin, vitamin D and aspirin could end the COVID-19 pandemic in one month. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullWe cannot afford to be bamboozled by climate con artists – who for their own selfish reasons claim we must immediately get rid of fossil fuels... - BY PAUL
Read FullDevelopment of this bioweapon by the US Army is detailed in this bombshell interview with Dr. Richard Fleming who concludes, “The vaccine is the bioweapon.” - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullAfter discovering the freedom and flexibility of homeschooling it's unlikely families will want to return to an overbearing and ineffective classroom. - BY ANNA K. MILLER AND NIKLAS KLEINWORTH
Read FullDoctor refutes mainstream media, CDC and NIH talking points and treatment of COVID. - BY DR. DAN STOCK
Read FullOne of the big issues we face is dealing with ramifications of the majority’s war on law enforcement, and the impact it is already having on... BY SENATOR MIKE PADDEN
Read FullI doubt our Founding Fathers intended any of this and there is no evidence any voters did. - BY STEVE MILLOY
Read FullDemocrats love for you is so great that they are determined to eliminate elections altogether so they can spend more time focusing on helping you. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullAmerica is being destroyed, it is time to stop sitting by and watching it happen. It is ok to stand up and say no. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullOur ‘justice’ institutions no longer serve the people, they target the people. - BY JD HEYES
Read FullPresident Joe Biden’s new 19-page order includes draconian penalties, fines, and potential jail time for violating a concocted “law.” - BY DAVID HARSANYI
Read Full... citizens in five mostly rural eastern Oregon counties voted to join two others in an effort to secede from Oregon and become part of a greater Idaho. - BY DUGGAN FLANAGAN
Read FullI am taken aback by the hypocrisy of your July 21 newsletter entitled, “Inflation Hits Home in Eastern Washington.” - BY ROBERT S. PECK
Read FullHere are the 18 Surveillance State Senate Republicans who voted to fund a host of new federal snooping programs. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullThe window for elected officials to continue peddling the “big lie” that “there was a ‘free and fair’ election” is rapidly closing. - BY THOMAS WIGAND
Read FullFriends, every important US institution and great body suffers the presence of diabolically committed socialists. So we must battle to save this great country. - BY KELLY O'CONNELL
Read FullThe widespread discrimination and abuse of free speech of Montana citizens by Big Tech social-media companies must end,. PSC Randy Pinocci has plan to do that. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullThe Idaho House Ethics Committee recently censured Rep. Priscilla Giddings, a strong conservative legislator. But the press and the committee didn't share the whole story. - BY EMRI MOORE
Read FullThe American Medical Association’s formal statement on the matter is filled with woke jargon and pregnant with left-wing ideological views. - BY JARRETT STEPMAN
Read FullWe must support dedicated warrior-heroes like Rep. Giddings, for they fight to restore our system of government to the beauty and freedom it once was... - BY DANIEL D. FOREMAN
Read FullSome commenters online: "Suicide or suicided???"; ""That is too far out of the statistical [likelihood] to be ignored."; ""Suicide my a**. They've been Clinton'd." - BY JOE KOVACS
Read FullNo, the sheep are not wearing firefighters’ uniforms or manning the hose. Rather, they are doing what they do best – eating dry brush and vegetation... - BY MONICA PELLICCIA
Read FullIncluding Day 2: Ethics committee votes to censure lawmaker who released rape accuser's name - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThe human negative is a new idea manufactured by people who truly hate people, putting dangerous roadblocks to progress in so many areas and disciplines. - BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read Full