The evidence is clear the administration has brutally abused the American people. The abuse has been unrelenting. - BY KEVIN McCULLOUGH
Read FullIf Americans don’t clean up their act fast, they’ll be killed by vaccines causing inflammation. - BY S.D. WELLS
Read FullThe production and distribution of potentially-lethal injections goes way beyond mere recklessness. This is an unprecedented global catastrophe that could result in the deaths of millions. - BY MIKE WHITNEY
Read FullDon't believe it when experts say SARS-CoV-2 is a 'novel' virus, one we've never seen before. Some 4,000 patents and patent applications prove otherwise. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullThe Wall Street Journal: “Omarova thinks asset prices, pay scales, capital and credit should be dictated by the federal government." - BY R. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullCovid misinformation is being weaved into public consciousness through scripted propaganda and hospital protocols that kill people who catch Covid (or bacterial infections from their masks) - BY S.D. WELLS
Read FullThe WEF will take our jobs, force us to learn new ones, and replace our ability to think with AI. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullFamilies need the freedom to let their kids learn and grow without fear of facing criminal charges or investigation by CPS. - BY ANNA K. MILLER AND KAITLYN SHEPHERD
Read FullIf parking underground is limited at high rise office buildings and apartment complexes, there may be insufficient street parking available. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullAnalysts have warned that issues with supply chains and shortages could last well into 2023. - BY NOLAN BARTON
Read FullThese are just a few of the worst provisions in this legislation and there are thousands more that take us closer to full-blown socialism. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe CDC and NIH aren’t receptive to ideas originating beyond their walls — even though the wider scientific world has thousands more researchers and brilliant minds, - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read Full...while wind turbines and solar collectors proliferate across our nation on your tax dollar, they will never make up a significant portion of energy utilization... - BY JAY LEHR
Read FullCongress and various agencies with oversight powers have done nothing – leaving it to Florida’s Governor to confront, and rein-in the heretofore unaccountable social media Leviathan. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullWe have taken our freedom for granted - never imagining we would experience a serious threat to autonomy and freedom of thought, speech and assembly. - BY BARBARA LOE
Read Full...the system has so radically changed since COVID-19 started, that hospitals now benefit more from patients’ deaths than they do from healing them. - BY BRIAN SHILHAVY
Read FullDon’t blame the unvaccinated for the activation of the state’s “crisis standards of care” at Idaho’s hospitals. Blame the state’s big hospitals. -BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read Full...biggest obstacle to any future American energy independence is Biden’s all-out war against fossil fuels (which ignores China’s heavy dependence on coal to power its minerals... - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullSteve Kirsch: VAERS shows heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine,” - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullWe are on the verge of collapse because of the evil, anti-humanity schemes, plots, and plans environmentalists, globalists, and anti-humans are forever coming up with. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullDemocrats want military courts to order ‘red flag gun confiscation under a provision in the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullNo matter what people's opinion is on climate change, they cannot force poor countries to compromise their rightful access to energy security and economic growth. - BY VIJAY
Read FullAlbert Spence: "I've got the morphine and Ativan, and I load them up and take off the high flow, and they gas themselves to death." - BY BRIAN SHILHAVY
Read FullThe Government and media of our day want us to think that all hope is lost. - BY JUDI MCLEOD
Read FullIt is proper for states to prohibit the abuse of rights, even in cases when employers impose vaccine mandates based on federal overreach. -BY ROBERT M. OWENS, J.D.
Read FullI am head over heels in love with it, there is still truth in what I am saying, we have been steamrolled. - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullCorporations are the vehicle by which the WEF and UN are implementing the objectives for global governance. is corporate influence driving Idaho's direction, not citizen voices. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThere's plenty of scientific evidence refuting everything we've been told to accept as 'fact' since 2020 - including scary screw-ups millions have been hoodwinked by. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullCan you imagine what we can achieve when 100,000 conservatives, or 1 million conservatives contact corporations and politicians to threaten a boycott? This is the game-changer. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullElectricity by itself cannot provide the thousands of products from petroleum that are essential to our medical industry, transportation infrastructure, our electricity generation, our cooling, heating... - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullThe data clearly shows jabs do not prevent infection or transmission, and they are increasing the risk of hospitalisation and death rather than reducing the risk. - BY
Read FullIt was a successful fund raising dinner and we are going to be able to continue keeping our attorney paid, and fighting for our water rights. - BY JEFF TYLER
Read Full...we are in the middle of the biggest, most effective propaganda war in modern history to make us helpless, obedient and docile. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullNobody is dying from Chinese Germs there because they are gaining protection from the use of ivermectin, which has repeatedly been shown as effective against the Wuhan Flu. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullWhat the GOP needs are congressmen and women who are committed to being confrontational and laser focused on criminally prosecuting Democrats who have broken the law. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullNarcissists are typically charming and accomplished individuals, but not rational. Neither is the increasing lunacy of climate politics. - BY PETER MURPHY
Read Full