...the energy they produce is unreliable, expensive, creates noise, impairs public health, reduces property values, kills wildlife, and despoils the natural beauty of the countryside. - BY BONNER COHEN, Ph.D
Read Full“PDE received emails between the board that demonstrate that the board was not consulted before such a letter was sent,” the parents’ group stated. - BY DR. SUSAN BERRY
Read FullToday, Ybarra’s education department is trying to downplay the connection to critical race theory, even though social emotional learning is still pretty bad. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullEveryone in today’s Conservative Movement understands that winning now requires far more than ‘voting out’ or ‘primarying’ the turncoat politicians in our midst. - BY DR BRAD LYLES
Read FullThe public is not rendered “safer” when citizens are disarmed, but rendered only more vulnerable to (and powerless against) those who would do them harm. - BY AMY SWEARER
Read FullIBE’s recently published Idaho legislative scorecard tells us big business is aligned with democrats and the establishment on education policy. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullThe city will pay these criminals $300 a month to participate in the program. If they meet certain milestones, the monthly payments will be increased to $500. - BY ARSENIO TOLEDO
Read FullWithout refineries there will be none of the oil derivatives that are manufactured from crude oil that are the basis of more than 6,000 products... - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullThere are often unintended (or intended?) consequences of poorly thought out and incompetently implemented public policy. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullCole’s comments aren’t wrong, he’s just not in agreement with the hot air coming from government scientists, the legacy news media, and socialist organizations preaching COVID... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullPoliticized “health” has lethal consequences, from the Nazi experimentation on those considered unworthy of living, to the abandonment of... - BY DR. LEE MERRITT
Read Full...when folks come along who have no authority in our private lives and judge us, demanding we adopt their ideas, Americans typically get angry. - BY KELLEY O'CONNELL
Read Full“If everyone walked out on Monday, this would all end immediately,” ...about how We the People have the power to stop this in an instant. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullWe can’t have billionaires deciding the outcomes of our elections by funneling money into them. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullEverything happening in Biden’s first ten months in office just happens to weaken and divide America, while benefiting China. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...there is no room for the hint of dissent in today’s climate change movement, which is bent on exerting more government control over the private sector. - BY KEVIN MOONEY
Read FullThe NWF is a member of the IUCN which also has the 30x30 plan. Maybe it is the IUCN playbook being used for this scam. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWe are a group of Constitutional Lawyers that are experts in Constitutional Law who wisely and forcefully defend The People of the USA regardless of their ability to pay.
Read FullA representative republic is imperiled when citizens are so immoral and divided that they’re too busy fighting each other to notice the ogre at the gate. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read Full...empowered parents who understand candidates’ positions on critical education issues could renew academic excellence in Idaho schools—and that’s what IFF’s survey aims to achieve. - BY KAITLAND SHEPHERD
Read FullThis is what the Chinese Communists have been doing in China – building camps. The US now has one in Washington State. - By M. DOWLING
Read FullUnder a “climate lockdown,” ...governments would limit the use of private vehicles, ban the consumption of red meat and impose extreme energy-saving measures. - BY MARY VILLAREAL
Read FullBrave Americans are joining forces to dismantle systemic covid fascism. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullCoal—the most affordable, abundant, and reliable energy source—must be utilized to serve the best interests of 3 billion people in Asia and the world. - BY VIJAY RAJ JAYARAJ
Read FullThe feckless Republican establishment and Joe Biden’s treacherous ineptitude is combining to steer former president Trump into the 2024 race. Trump’s enemies should be worried. - BY JEFFERY A. RENDALL
Read Full...U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman in efforts to ensure workers who filed for an exemption aren’t harmed before he can hear oral arguments, - BY HUMAN EVENTS STAFF
Read FullIt is time to stop this forward movement now and it can be done within the boundaries of laws, but citizen authority must be exercised. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullAuthor, historian and filmmaker Trevor Loudon reveals how necessary it is for us to start effectively fighting back against China immediately and aggressively. – BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY
Read Full...the lieutenant governor and the Idaho Freedom Foundation are right about the existence of critical race theory and other leftist ideologies in classrooms from kindergarten to college. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read Full...Deborah Conrad, a physician’s assistant blows the whistle on COVID jab injuries, and the fact that these injuries, by and large, are not being reported. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullTrevor Loudon discusses his latest documentary, "Enemies within the Church" and everything from CRT and BLM to Chinese global aggression and domination. - BY AFSHIN YAGHTIN AND CASEY WHALEN
Read FullIf we do not resist, in a generation the US will be just another failed, leftist state, totally opposed to religion, common sense, prosperity and freedom. - BY KELLY O'CONNELL
Read FullBy spring of 2022, likely tens of millions of people (if not far more) will have been exterminated around the world via the methods mentioned here. - BY MIKE
Read Full...America has barely warmed, if at all. If you take away the artfully alarming adjustments the nineteen thirties were a lot warmer than now. BY DAVID WOJICK PHD.
Read FullPresident Joe Biden appointed an in-your-face radical racialist who will force Critical Race Theory and 1619 into the public school system nationwide. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullHigh’s recent data shows everything...breaking down. Food production, trucking, health services, millions getting very sick, many die, the military and the political system breaks down... - BY GREG
Read Full