Breyer said hospitals are full to the max. That’s not true. Breyer actually suggested that mandatory vaccination could conceivably prevent 100% of US cases. Not true at all. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullLet’s look at some examples in the Schizoid winter of 66-67 long before the kind of nonsense blame game we see now. - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullThe U.S. Supreme Court has far exceeded its constitutional boundaries and become an enemy of the Constitution, according to Randall University's history professor Steve Byas... - BY GARY BENOIT
Read FullMeanwhile, China is keeping its people warm with fossil fuels and nuclear power plants. China is also extending its empire into every continent. - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullThe study...showed that the risk of myocarditis almost doubled after the first Pfizer shot in men under 40...doubled again after the second and doubled again... - BY C. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullData shows that the vaccines are not only powerless against the highly transmissible, but mild Omicron variant—the new strain appears to favor the fully vaccinated. - BY DEBRA HEINE
Read FullIf we allow thousands of children, even millions, to be permanently injured, resulting in lifelong disabilities and ill health, the psychological devastation will be unimaginable. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullThe media is presenting this as Ms. McWilliams “squabbling with Democrats.” Americans aren’t getting the truth. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullImagine being trapped in an frozen electric car with a long dead battery! in a 48-mile backup for nearly a 24-hour standstill because of snow. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullOur Constitution and Freedoms are under attack! We’ve created some great resources for you to educate Americans and stand for freedom. May we count on your help? - BY
Read Full...moral and decent people have a mass psychosis brought about by countless 24/7 lies, propaganda, and hate. Mass psychosis is a phenomenon known throughout recent history. - BY M.
Read Full...when mail delivery is slower the 1970s, and USPS has major financial challenges, electric vehicle subsidies and corresponding Congressional interference will...make these matters worse... - BY PAUL STEIDLER
Read Full...just the latest proof Google search results cannot be trusted because they present only regime-approved information, and conservatives and truth-seekers everywhere should switch to an unbiased... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullMoney & Murder in Hospitals. What sounds like a Robin Cook novel, is the actual reality in hospitals across the world. – BY JANET OSSEBAARD AND CYNTHA KOETER
Read FullLoudon continues describing enemies of the church; that America can only be saved if the churches are saved and are preaching the Bible as fully written. - BY DR. RAPACKI
Read FullMr. Loudon describes Marxism and Communism in the church and how this came about. - BY DR. RAPACKI
Read FullCFP’s battered little boat having survived the maelstrom, is sailing into 2022 with a new mission—hoping other news sites will join together to tear down Google’s... - BY JUDI McCLOUD
Read FullThe human race is being slaughtered through the injection of “clot shots” that are deliberately designed to reduce global population through death and infertility. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullNBA legend and Utah Jazz great John Stockton is “proud” of Irving for standing by what he believes. - BY ANGELO GUINHAWA
Read FullWhat’s reassuring is that so many members understand the Constitution is the final bulwark against tyranny and they were willing to say so publicly by signing... - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read Full...Democrats want to guarantee people who choose not to work an income funded by the suckers who do the right thing by showing up for work... - BY BETSY McCAUGHEY
Read FullNew York State Sen. Brad Hoylman: “Social media algorithms are specially programmed to spread disinformation and hate speech at the expense of the public good.” - BY AILAN EVANS
Read FullThe transgenderism agenda is really about breaking down society and advancing the Communist Revolution, as even trans activists admit. - BY CHRIS WRIGHT
Read FullNew Mexico officials admit they were wrong: Two people died from covid. NOT from ivermectin. Yet the CDC generated the nation's highest... - BY LINDA BONVIE AND MARY BETH PFEIFFER
Read FullNew York's Governor Kathy Hochul will only give monoclonal antibodies to people with underlying conditions that qualify. However, non-whites have complete access because of RAAAACISM. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe Fed is preparing for the stock crash in 2022 which it will use to usher in a real Great Depression, worse than in the 1930s... - BY MATTHEW DAVIS
Read Full...the warning Biden issued should have gone to the vaccinated, because everything points to the double and triple jabbed being at increased risk for infection... - BY DR. JOSPEH MERCOLA
Read Full...the Deep State Twitter torpedoes concerned a study that showed “93 percent of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine.” - BY R. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullShame on you Ms. Dutton for your lack of investigative work and spreading information that is false. - BY KAREN SHUMACHER
Read FullOver 200,000 American service members have rejected the vaccine. We have never lost 200,000 soldiers in the battlefield in a few months. - BY LT. COL. THERESA LONG, MD,
Read Full...Biden’s remarks cannot be seen as a change of heart/policy, but simply from forgetting where he was, who he was with, and what he was saying. - BY MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullIt’s time to start calling this gambit what it is – an attempted coup d’etat and treason against the people of the US and of Idaho. - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read FullIt’s time to see Fauci and Collins for who and what they are, and demand that they be held to account for their actions. - BY DR. JOSPEH MERCOLA
Read FullAs powerful governments, media, unelected health authorities desperately scramble to regain credibility and gravitas, are any horrors being planned to divert attention - BY JUDI McLEOD
Read FullDr. Eddie Hyatt: "In the past, revivals or “awakenings” had brought us together. A revival to be called a Great Awakening should have three characteristics: - BY ROBERT SHILLINGSTAD
Read Full"...if “election integrity” laws are not reinstated before the 2022 midterms, America will have “lost its democracy,”... and Democrats will have lost their ability to cheat. - BY
Read Full