This proposed long term Plan doesn't work and Dominion knows that...they can make billions in profit by building the unreliable wind and solar. - BY DAVID WOJICK, Ph.D.
Read FullThe $1.5 trillion omnibus bill has plenty of inflationary spending, and the honorable members of the legislature didn't leave themselves out. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullKerry:: " totally fund the economic transition all countries must make to tackle climate change, “it’s going to require not $100 billion but trillions of dollars.” - BY M.
Read FullJudges who re-write some parts of the Constitution will re-write others. - BY ROB NATELSON
Read FullThe US and allied governments should begin planning for what follows. Today’s hot war is horrific. Another Cold War could ultimately be even more dangerous. - BY DOUG BANDOW
Read FullThe Rexburg Republican tried to cut...$1.3 million from the higher education budget — listing campus jobs that, he said, advanced an unrelenting social justice agenda. - BY KEVIN RICHERT
Read FullDC politicians take a piece of every dirty deal on foreign soil - government contracts, foreign aid, military spending, even humanitarian aid (think about Clintons in Haiti... BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...the Ecocity conferences discuss the idea of how governments can force or nudge all citizens into carbonless, vegetarian lifestyles whether they want to or not. - BY CFACT ED
Read FullThis isn’t about public safety. It's about not letting the public know vaccines are killing them ... Let’s be clear. The CDC hid data... - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullHealth Freedom Idaho held a rally in support of The Peoples' Convoy of truckers en route to Washington D.C. to protest mask and vaccine mandates nationally. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThe Biden administration has adopted a treasonous open-border policy that violates existing law and betrays the country. Yet the border can be secured. - BY C. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullThe Department of Defense (DOD) is using outrageous anti-bias materials that indoctrinate troops with anti-American and racially inflammatory training on diversity topics. - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF
Read FullSuch so-called earmarks were banned by conservatives a decade ago after high-profile cases of corruption were exposed, sending members of Congress and lobbyists to prison... - BY MATTHEW DICKERSON
Read Full“The Rescue America Plan,” is great stuff and probably polls 90 percent or better among Republican voters and 70 percent or better among likely independent voters. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullAccording to the statement, a federal grand jury indicted five Chinese nationals for hacking more than 100 companies in the U.S. and abroad. - BY RAMON TOMEY
Read FullWhat was Blinken trying to do? Start World War III? Didn’t he discuss any of this with the Pentagon? - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe Supreme Court may be on the verge of clawing back some of the sweeping regulatory authority it unwisely gave the EPA 15 years ago... - BY MATTHEW VADUM
Read FullUkraine is the first country to become victim of “Greenpeace environmentalism,” and certainly won’t be the last unless we emphatically condemn and reject reckless energy policies... - BY PATRICK HYNES
Read FullDeSantis’ Florida achievement should cause a cascade of similar legislation across the country. Americans who are rightfully concerned about leftist indoctrination deserve recourse against the activists... - BY DOUGLAS BLAIR
Read FullIt would be difficult to compile a larger list of lies on any topic than this IPCC report contains. - BY DR. JAY LEHR, TERIGI CICCONE
Read FullPresident Biden’s succession of gross errors, combined with his weak and lost in translation personality, are an unprecedented boon to Vladimir Putin and China. - BY DON ALLTOADA
Read FullKimberlé Crenshaw: "Critics are looking beyond content citing CRT by name and are instead concerned with its substance and how it manifests in America’s public schools." - BY KENDALL
Read FullFiat money benefits financial and political elites at the expense of working people whose standard of living is eroded by Federal Reserve actions. - BY RON PAUL
Read FullThe Senate most likely will be voting on this bill next week. Contact your legislator and let them know you are opposed to HB701. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full"Modern liberals hurtle from extravagant tolerance to suppression without batting an eye. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dramatizes the tendency" - BY BRAD SALZBERG
Read FullPolitical theater is a lethal shell game: COVID19 -> Ukraine/Russia -> but the pea's under number three -> digital IDs for total social control. GAME OVER. - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT
Read FullPresident Trump: “The movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News who say it was the ‘most secure election in history.’ - BY RANDY DeSOTO
Read Full...the more you read and learn about Eurasianist National Bolshevism the more it sounds like the ideology of progressive Democrats and their allies... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullUkraine regularly votes against Israel in the UN and has a large Islamic population. They’re not really a democracy...despite what Democrats claim. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullWithout subsidies, the so-called wind and solar ‘industries’ for electricity from unreliable breezes and sunshine would disappear in a heartbeat. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read Full...Americans are too pampered, too shielded, and too unaccustomed to the bona fides of the world in which we live that many — most? — have a distorted and... BY JD HEYES
Read FullGovernment vaccine mandates violate the moral principles of medical consent, bodily autonomy, and self-ownership. They should be abolished as crimes against humanity and never happen again. - BY HANNAH FRANKMAN
Read FullOur media is claiming there aren’t many Nazis, but Dore presents a great deal of credible proof that there are and that they are extremely powerful. - BY M.
Read FullSenate Considering a Bill to Protect the Right to Essential Caregiver Visitation - BY SENATOR STEVE VICK
Read FullAs the number of American problems grows exponentially, virtually all caused, or greatly exacerbated by Biden, it’s impossible to see this tsunami of disasters as anything... - BY KELLY O'CONNELL
Read Full...Putin couldn't have successfully destroyed the pleasant lives America provides law-abiding citizens and couldn’t have thoroughly torn up our constitution, like Biden has in one year. - BY DAVE KING
Read Full