Tom DeWeese is interviewed explaining how your pain at the pump and other energy-related woes are part of a nefarious plan for one-world totalitarian government. -BY PAUL DRAGU
Read FullPutin: "I'm confident true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia. Our spiritual, human and civilizational ties...have their origins in the same sources" - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullReal ID was and is about giving more power to the federal government and giving the federal government access to your biometric digital facial image. - BY STEVE MEYER
Read FullEdmonds goes above and beyond what state law requires. Perhaps it’s why the district refuses to disclose the full curriculum to the public. - BY JASON RANTZ
Read Full...Governor Newsom continually decreases in-state oil production, so California and the nation can be further dependent on imports via maritime transportation from foreign countries... - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullThe budget is Build Back Better on steroids. It gives a fortune to their buddies in the green energy sector. There's $900 million for global warming propaganda... - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full"Turn off your TV and they lose, because nobody, nobody wants what these Globalists are selling anymore" - BY JUDI McLEOD
Read Full...possibly the most comprehensive study of its kind, found no association between either ozone or PM2.5 levels and mortality using standard regression-based time series analysis. - BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullPutin: "...have nothing to do with ...the interests of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people...but with...those who have taken Ukraine hostage and...using it against our country..." - BY BLOOMBERG NEWS
Read Full...BAS reported the world's 'at doom's doorstep' with a civilization-ending apocalypse imminent. The moment is both perilous and unsustainable. The time to act is now. - BY DR. JOSEPH
Read FullTo end the war on American consumers, Biden must end its destructive “green” energy policies, increase domestic oil and gas production, and restore American energy independence. - BY JBS
Read FullIs this another planned war by the deep state to move us closer to world government? - BY STEVE DUNHAM
Read FullAdam Guillette, Accuracy in Media President: “The fight to keep critical race theory out of K-12 classrooms is a never ending game of whack-a-mole.” - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullMEP Christine Anderson, a member of European Parliament, gave Prime Miniter Blackface Trudeau the ‘welcome’ he deserved when he visited the EU Parliament. She torched him. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullChina came from zero production in 1950, to 2019 where it now produces more cars than the USA, Japan, and India collectively. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullThe immediate concern is what Putin may do next — driven by a desire to rescue a failing military effort or reestablish credentials... - BY DAVID E. SANGER, ERIC SCHMITT,
Read Chechnya, there was nothing like this,” stated a soldier...another got so fed up he ran over his colonel with a tank. - BY ALLISON QUINN
Read FullThe circular economy is a top-down agenda coming from unelected globalists looking to reshape the world in their image: perspective. - BY TIM HINCHLIFFE
Read FullCRT is an ideology that prizes victimhood and defeating the “settler-colonial” enterprise. in peaceful or nonlethal ways and lately, frequently, by lethal means. - BY RAFI LEVITT AND DANIEL VAYNSHTEYN
Read Full...the Constitution has already suffered enormous damage, from which it has never fully recovered. The present condition of the federal government is evidence of that. - BY ROB NATELSON
Read FullBiden: "...there’s gonna be a new world order out there and we’ve got to lead it and unite the rest of the free world doing it." - BY JD
Read Full...those 51 former intelligence officials shown to be liars suddenly have nothing to say. Having played their part in tainting the election they bowed out. - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullThe globalists and their technocrat partners in the private sector are working like busy beavers to set up the infrastructure for a universal digital ID system - BY LEO HOHMANN
Read FullJason Rantz: "The culturally responsive policy impacts every Washington school district after Democrats passed a law institutionalizing critical race theory in student discipline. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullA hidden global coup uses mass-formation psychosis, propaganda, and corporatism to promote its transhumanist agenda and the fourth industrial revolution. - BY ROBERT MALONE, M.D., M.S. AND JILL GLASSPOOL-MALONE,
Read FullThis decades-long overrun of freedoms large and small has subtly and methodically undermined the virtues essential to a free citizenry, replacing them with subservience.” - BY RICHARD M. REINSCH II
Read FullBiden must now be honest about electric vehicles. They grossly violate basic environmental justice principles and are anything but fair to the poor...who suffer and die... - BY TOM HARRIS
Read FullLawmakers are virtually guaranteeing hospital capacity will remain a problem for our state and healthcare will again be rationed, and now you know who to blame... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read Full...switching one’s energy dependence from oil supplies to China-controlled electrical energy equipment is foolish, bordering on insane, in strategic terms. - BY DR. JAY LEHR, ROBERT LYMAN
Read FullThe amount of corruption going on in different levels of government is biblical. The testimony from this military doctor is just the tip of the iceberg. - BY SHANE TREJO
Read FullA few dedicated people working together in communities can achieve great things and make things happen. This is what the Left's been doing for decades... - BY WILLIAM P. HOAR
Read FullNo one in the media is calling Zelensky’s latest move what it is, getting rid of the enemy, suppressing the truth. - BY JUDI McLEOD
Read FullCourts sanctioning lawyers pursuing election law claims in the heat of an election is a dangerous game that could allow election corruption to go unchecked. - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF
Read FullSurprise, surprise. Electric vehicles are even more dependent on Russia and China than gas-fueled cars. - BY LARRY BELL
Read FullBasically nobody would support funding these things if they were put to a vote on their own.= BY BRAD POLUMBO
Read Full...the Big Tech mop-up crew has turned its attention to protecting countless lies concocted by the ruling class, so that these actors can retain good standing... - BY JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Read Full