This proposed grand theft on a global scale masquerading as “climate finance” represents an existential threat to liberty, prosperity, and civilization. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullThose words from John Dickinson, known as the “Penman of the Revolution,” reflect his belief that LIBERTY is the foundation of everything else. - BY MICAHEL BOLDIN
Read FullNot contained in the original SDGs, on page 8 the Compact has now altered them by including digital technology into each goal. -BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullIdahoans made their position clear. They want to shrink government, lower taxes, and bolster freedoms. Cronies didn’t get the message. 2025 won’t be business as usual. - BY NIKLAS KLEINWORTH
Read FullClearly, “climate” concerns are just a pretext for tyranny: globalism, economic controls, social engineering, and more. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullIn a few months Argentiina's Milei made drastic changes: cutting over 50,000 government jobs, shutting down more than half the ministries, slashing regulations, and removing subsidies. - BY DAPHNE POSADAS
Read FullNorway and Denmark also issued their updated wartime guidance earlier this year to help citizens prepare for potential crises. - BY LAURA HARRIS
Read FullI wrote this in December of 2015, nearly a year before Trump was elected the first time. How did it age? - BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullCompiled and presented by The Heartland Institute, E&E Legal Institute, Committee for Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), Truth in Energy-and-Climate, and The American Energy Institute. - BY JAMES TAYLOR AND STEVEN MILLOY
Read FullAnother target of The Disinformation Dozen, GreenMedInfo’s Sayer Ji, said that CCDH was carrying out “the largest coordinated foreign influence operation targeting American speech since 1776.” - BY CASSIE B
Read FullUnchecked media bias has reached its breaking point. Traditional news outlets must now determine what role they will play entering the second quarter of the 21st century. -BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullOver the last half century, the U.S. government has created at least twelve new agencies out of thin air, including the DEA, DOE and even FEMA. - BY PAUL DRAGU
Read FullToday, we’re breaking down the top-5 crucial steps an oath-KEEPING president should take to radically preserve, protect and defend the constitution – starting now.- BY MICAHEL BOLDIN
Read FullOur election system depends on honesty of people participating in the system but apparently one in five people, by their own admission, lack the required integrity. - BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullIt's time for public health districts to leverage true consumer choice on COVID vaccines. It can be purchased it like any other medication. - BY NILAS KLEINWORTH
Read FullIt is legalized corruption, and it mostly occurs with non-compete contracts.. There is no accountability for lower-cost items. Accountability is only for goods over $2,000,000. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullCorporate foundations pass the cost of donations and charity work onto consumer prices, then turn around and deduct it as charitable contributions for tax reduction purposes. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullGeorgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Green: "FBI: 'These women are telling others how to poison and murder men because they are angry over the election.'" - BY CASSIE B
Read FullTrump’s choice of outsiders heading major cabinet departments and holding senior WH positions wreaked havoc on the DC establishment like the British burning it in 1814. - BY GEORGE
Read FullIt’s time to throw out the rulebook and think outside the box, because we’ve just stepped into a world where anything is possible. - BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullPublic-private partnerships between local governments and private non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are to be the main force to “transform cities and local economies.” - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullDemocrats have no clue that over the past 16 years they, have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullIn Maddow's eyes, Musk is a national security threat since he represents Big Business and Trump represents Big Government. Merging the two together is textbook fascism, - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullChina, Russia, and Ukraine are known to be notoriously corrupt. That's where we see how "the Biden family traded cash for Joe’s good graces.” - BY WILLIAM HOAR
Read FullThe 2025 session will feature the most conservative Legislature in Idaho history. Let’s cut taxes, cut spending, and make our government lean again. -BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullLike Nazis when they recognized the war was lost, Democrats and their Deep State allies won’t stop using a weaponized federal government to cling to power. - BY GEORGE
Read FullRepublicans should not cooperate with Democrats and their poisonous, anti-American, anti-human agenda. Forget about “bipartisanship.” It’s nothing more than a euphemism for letting Democrats have their way. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullWill voters keep Idaho’s tried-and-true election system and reject the lies, deceptions, and outright propaganda designed to give the left a larger-than-necessary voice in Idaho politics? - BY IDFF STAFF
Read FullIndia had an election in June. In which 642+ million votes were cast. They had the entirety of their results - that night. - BY SETON MOTLEY
Read FullI can tell you from personal experience what can happen when an entrenched tyranny refuses to concede after a sound defeat. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullProposition 1/Ranked-Choice Voting was debateed last Friday night. Christie Wood and Luke Mayville spoke in favor while Michael Angiletta and Scott Herndon spoke against it. - BY CASEY WHALEN VIDEOGRAPHER
Read FullThe Internet was founded to be free and democratic. It'll require herculean restore that vision. Something else is quickly replacing it. - BY JEFFERY A. TUCKER & DEBBIE LEMAN
Read FullThe UN's a much greater threat than many believe. If America's to endure and remain independent, then it'll need to evict the UN from its shores. - BY WILLIAM S.
Read FullAnytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by the antics of the political ruling class that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. -BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullThe Democrat Party, as we've known it, is no more. It's antithetical to the precepts of what America stands for as created by our founders. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullBeing intolerant towards those who disrespect a nation's culture and customs is not a manifestation of any racism, discrimination, or any other word used to disparage... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full