I say this, especially to governors…think the 10th Amendment. Put your state up front. If you need energy, produce it and food, grow it. - BY RAY DiLORENZO
Read FullLawmakers have...banned rare earth mineral exploration and development on materials-rich federal lands, and the few once-active mines have been shuttered largely due to compliance costs. - BY LARRY BELL
Read FullAs The Washington Post reports: "The constitution would possibly have been the world’s most radical." - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullIt's time to say no to the Newspeak version of Smart. It’s really stupid to destroy what the Industrial Revolution built. It's destroying our civilization and.... - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullLike many in the founding generation, we view centralization of power as the greatest threat to liberty... The founders broadly agreed. They called it “consolidation.” - BY MICHAEL BOLDIN
Read Full...Joe Biden's out in the open about criminalizing his opposition and brooking no dissent,...going right to the final stage of socialism. - BY ROBERT SPENCER
Read FullLake is absolutely right, of course. Questioning the results of an election is a Democratic Party pastime time. Joe Biden himself thinks Al Gore won in 2000... - BY MATT MARGOLIS
Read FullThey want civil war, but let’s give them civil disobedience. Then let’s destroy them on election day. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullGloria Kniesler: “Putting COVID, these protocols, the use of remdesivir aside, I’m seeing so many other things I can’t even believe I’m reading, it’s truly unreal.” -
Read FullThe attached article tells of the means the school board and administration will go to sneak a tax through. - BY ROBERT SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullWe must demand to see the feasibility of a replacement energy system in action before we let the politicians in charge destroy what we have. - BY M. DOWLNG
Read FullIt's conceivable that the only people who would apply are those that are going to do the project anyway making the rebates a complete waste. - BY DAVID WOJICK, Ph.D.
Read Full...a national police force—a.k.a. a standing army—vested with the power to completely disregard the Constitution, cannot be overstated, nor can its danger be ignored. - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullAbsolute evil has subsumed the American Left. 10 Points to ponder and build on. - BY CHARLES MARTEL
Read FullGet off the couch and out the door. We have a country to save! - BY KAT STANSELL
Read FullHighlighting Marxists in North Idaho after NIPA issued a call to action to protect the narrative of Pride In the Park event on June 11, 2022. - BY CASEY
Read FullJerome County Commissioner Charles Howell gave voice to many residents when he said “I have not heard one person in the community support the project.” - BY BONNER COHEN, Ph.D.
Read FullWashington Policy Center points out several states across the nation are on round two and three of tax cuts. - BY JASON MERCIER
Read FullDiscussions about pouring money into the education system need grounding in an agreed upon set of facts based on hard data, not teachers’ union politics. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullMost state officials choose to defend or ignore ERIC. America MUST recognize ERIC for what it is – the epicenter of voter fraud today. - BY KAT STANSILL
Read FullTesla founder and CEO Elon Musk told European energy leaders that the world needs more oil, natural gas and nuclear power to end its energy crisis... - BY JACK McEVOY
Read Full...various sexual exploitation is literally taught in public schools to children at very young ages and lesson plans along with organizations advocate for gender dysphoria... BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullDemocrats are determined to transform this nation into a one-party socialist police state any way they can. This is not politics as usual. - BY RAY DiLORENZO
Read FullThe ongoing battles in the Republican Party and America are really between good and evil, explained RNC National Committeewoman and prominent TV show host Tamara Scott... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullThe solution has to be drastic and it has to work...a free and functioning society cannot coexist with an undemocratic beast like this on the loose... - BY SIDNEY POWELL
Read FullA group of Marxists: the local Human Rights Institute, North Idaho Pride Alliance, CDA2030, the Community Library Network...are working behind the scenes in North Idaho. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullMarianna Cochran explains content currently available in the young adult section of all North Idaho Libraries heavily influenced by the Marxist agenda. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full"Unprecedented investment? Not so. Renewables and electric cars present many insurmountable, unaddressed problems that can be neither mitigated nor overcome!" - BY DAVE BOLENEUS
Read FullPrecious children with beating hearts now finally have legal protection in the state of Idaho — and to God be the glory! - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullOur government is setting the stage for a totalitarian takeover. It’s what the doctor ordered (Dr. Schwab, that is). And that is no conspiracy theory. - BY RAY DiLORENZO
Read FullThe Biden Administration is the spawn of Barack Hussein Obama. You can’t understand what’s happening now without an appreciation of Obama’s communist mentor and Obama’s relationship... - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullLEAD stands for Liberty in Education and Academic Development, which represents the CAE’s aspirations for Idaho’s education system and its vision for each Idaho student. - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION
Read FullDespite all the talk of “sustainability” and “fighting climate change,” the EV revolution is not sustainable. - BY CFACT ED
Read FullRepublicans who foolishly assume that the 2022 midterm election will be “normal” are about to get a rude awakening, because nothing in America is “normal” anymore. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullWe will kick off exercising our first amendment and urge the public to speak to those in attendance about issues concerning them and their neighborhood. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThe legislature should reject Reclaim Idaho’s tax hike adopt a bold tax relief package, repeal the grocery tax, cut property taxes and income tax rates. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read Full