Today’s environmental movement is fueled by a group of interconnected, left-leaning foundations that are seeking to disrupt the development of America’s energy resources.
Read FullWe hope President Trump now recognizes the folly of trying to play ball with someone as perfidious as Mitt Romney has proven himself to be
Read FullHow low can you go? How un-American can you get? Democrats are certainly testing the waters for 2020.
Read FullCandace's testimony quickly became a viral sensation, trending on twitter for two days, and grabbing the attention of people worldwide quickly beccoming a viral sensation,
Read FullThe initiative itself is bigoted in that it postulates without the preferential treatment of this initiative, minorities could not get the job.
Read FullFor the past 20 years, I-200 has prohibited state and local governments from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group
Read FullMost of the big policy bills of the year still have not gotten their final votes. So we’re going to see some rollicking arguments
Read Full...we’re doing Jefferson Madison in the spirit of reclaiming the original Republic, of which we belong to and which we seem to be losing day by day.
Read Full...the WGA, federal government, and NGOs have collectively created the framework for migratory corridors, and now all of it just needs to be executed. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full...plan eliminaties approximately 347 goal and policy statements and modifying or adding goals and policies that are clear, concise and consistent with county values.
Read Full“In Idaho, legislative bills are limited to a single subject and are voted on separately. This practice has held every legislator accountable to their constituents because each bill has a
Read FullLegislation led to quotas, and reverse racism where it didn’t exist before. We ought to have been led, “by the better angels of our nature.”
Read Full...we can stop a lot of floods, cure a lot of droughts, save lives and property, and generate needed power along the way.
Read FullFacts about the nature and provisions of settlement agreements, how much taxpayer money is going to pay environmentalist lawyers and activists, and possible collusion between “adversarial” parties,
Read FullWe’re losing Idaho. The next thing you’re going to see I think are Red Flag Laws and things of that nature.
Read FullBus all the asylum-seekers awaiting hearings to Beverly Hills, Malibu, San Francisco, Georgetown, Cambridge, Scarsdale and of course, the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
Read Full...our founding governing documents, the legal governing documents, the Congress and the United States Supreme Court all said we are a Christian nation.
Read FullThis is the latest attempt by authorities in New York to obliterate human rights and roll out a medical dictatorship where citizens have zero rights to defend their own bodies against risky
Read FullThe solution is a broad rejection of the “centralizing perspective” that threatens to bring America closer to the dystopian world of 'V for Vendetta'.
Read FullWe have some great liberty loving representatives and senators in Boise and they need help, not just from our colleagues, but from the people back home
Read FullThey lost because they failed to produce on the Trump agenda and failed to brand the Democrats as dangerous anti-constitutional socialists.
Read FullOur unalienable rights which are enumerated by our founders in our Constitution are a blessing to be cherished and protected. ...these rights come with responsibility.
Read FullThe John Birch Society is action in liberty! Right solutions, based on the foundation of truth, are the hallmark of JBS.
Read FullA growing number of REWILDING advocates are no longer content to achieve their goals through deception and biased agenda driven “science”.
Read FullCongress needs to reinstate County-of-Origin labeling for pork and beef to allow consumers to make an informed and free choice about where their food comes from.
Read FullEarlier this week the local conservative, activist group “Northwest Grass Roots“ (NWGR) was again attacked for exercising their right to free speech. Several callers orchestrated a “call in” campaign
Read Full...House members grumbled over the rules process. They say the process that allows pending rules to pass with the approval of just one legislative chamber allows the Senate to overrule
Read FullTPUSA is relentless in our efforts to win the American Culture War and our work has never been more critical.
Read Full...given its ties to such a shady union, it seems that Reclaim Idaho owes the people of Idaho more truth and transparency, and less propaganda.
Read FullLegislative highlights this session Senator Cheatham Newsletter – District 3 Dear Friends, Below are some recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol. I hope you enjoy
Read FullA few pleasant statehouse surprises as Legislature works toward the finish. Not everything in Olympia is gloom and doom.
Read FullUnfortunately, young minds are just too impressionable and that fact has been exploited for decades by socialists with Marxist and Communist schemes. Hollywood has become most exploitative in recent years.
Read FullICL is selling Idaho out to a foundation that wants to do nothing more than fund land takeovers. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThe totalitarian control that the Chinese communists exercise over their own people is immense, and they appear ready to export that technology into the Caribbean region.
Read Full...liberals who have found traction ... with policy ideas far more disruptive than anything ever embraced by former president Barack Obama, the party’s longtime standard-bearer.”
Read FullFor anyone who thinks healthcare is free, the expansion will cost Idaho dearly and is one step closer to socialized health care for all.
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