“The problem is not just wages; it almost never is. People don't leave good organizations, they leave bad managers.” - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullBased on the recent article titled “A Matter of Qualifications” I’ve been asked to describe the training I provide. - BY RICK WHITEHEAD
Read FullStuckart, who has raised over $10,000 so far in a field of seven...candidates, appears to be the first...candidate to violate the law he wrote. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThe attack on private property is growing across the country at a frightening rate. And the target is single-family homes – most likely -- your home. - BY TOM
Read FullRadical progressives continue to come up with new ways to turn Idaho into the next CA/OR/WA... we must also mobilize to push back. - BY GREG PRUETT
Read Full...one of the early founders and foremost advocates of “trophic cascades”, L. David Mech, has distanced himself from the dubious assumptions of his own theory. - BY STEVE BUSCH
Read Full...encourage them to vote NO on the USMCA. Republicans and Democrats need to know that this deal only adds on to NAFTA and toward NAU. - BY KRISTIN KENOWSKI
Read Full...If things just keep going like they are, this will be a never-ending bureaucratic career for a problem that will never be resolved...- BY JIM BEERS
Read FullWe have a broken system...when it comes to immigration and we all know that it has to be not only reformed but also enforced. - BY BOB "NUGIE" NEUGEBAUER
Read Full...important issues in Washington, D.C., include securing our southern border, caring for children at the border, funding our military, and protecting the sanctity of life-- among others.
Read Full...that should surprise no one, given that CNN and other Leftwing media have a record of supporting and even glorifying ANTIFA, including Willem Van Spronsen. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullI am not proposing government control of AI algorithms, quite the contrary. All we need are choices. It is still the marketplace of ideas. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullAccording to the Government Accountability Office, in 2018, the federal government made nearly $150 billion in improper payments. - BY JUSTIN BOGIE AND BENJAMIN PARIS
Read FullThe Democratic Party agenda appears to come from Sal Alinsky's book, “Rules for Radicals” which he dedicated to Lucifer (Satan). - BY ADRIAN ARP, PH.D.
Read FullA MUST watch!!! It will relieve you of the fear of the world coming to an end in 12 years - BY MALCOLM ROBERTS
Read FullIn this episode, host Alex Newman discloses globalists who praise and push for China to be the future of the world. - BY TNA VIDEO w/ ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullCandace Ownes and Wayne Root join forces in Las Vegas next week to proclaim its time for Blacks and Jews to EXIT the Democrat Party. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullIn the U.S., analysts have been warning for years that infrastructure is collapsing and our most densely populated regions are at risk for total blackouts. - BY JD HEYES
Read FullMr. Whitehead has over 40-years’ experience in Law Enforcement achieving the rank of Captain in the Travis County Sheriff’s Office, an agency 5x KC - BY MORRIS JASKULA
Read FullFreedomProject Academy is committed to changing culture and restoring the nation through Classical education, teaching Judeo-Christian values, and preparing the next generation of patriot leaders. - BY FREEDOM PROJECT ACADEMY
Read Full...NEA supports appropriate and inclusive educational programs that address the unique needs and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, and questioning (LGBTQ+) students. - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read FullCalifornia schools plan to teach aberrant sex practices and sexual-identity confusion at school — normalizing mental illness and perverse, immoral, and dangerous sex practices. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullSee comments analyzing the proposed amendments, described in quotes from the Rules Committee list, beginning with ones of greatest concern to the Center for Military Readiness - BY CHQ
Read FullA big priority for YouTube right now involves tagging conservative videos as “hate speech” and pushing them to the bottom of users’ search results. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullFederal, state, and local governments would raise ongoing revenues from income and property taxes imposed on newly taxable power entities and save money ending subsidies - BY CHRIS EDWARDS
Read FullEvery American, especially our youth and millenials need to see this impactful 5 minute video! - BY KRISANNE HALL
Read FullMake no mistake about it, the final steps of the REWILDING agenda require complete dissolution of what remains of our Republic. - BY STEVE BUSCH
Read FullWho are they really representing, the UN or their constituents? Or perhaps their constituents elect them for the purposes of advancing UN objectives. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullRoberts cavalierly rejected the president's inclusion of a citizenship question on the census even though Roberts admitted its inclusion is perfectly constitutional. - BY BRYAN FISCHER
Read Full...global warming reduces the frequency of persistent cold weather that kills 4 million people per year. - BY CFACT
Read FullA majority of America’s military veterans say the costs of our seemingly endless wars have outweighed their benefits and the general public agrees with them - BY MICHAEL TENNANT
Read FullLess government, more responsibility, and with God’s help – a better world. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full"...when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.” - BY KRISANNE HALL, JD
Read FullThere was once a man in torment in Hell. At a certain time he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullLiberals see a nation that mistreats illegal immigrants. But then why do illegals keep coming by the millions? Kind of defeats the liberal argument, huh?
Read FullThe foster crisis is so extreme that some states are hosting foster children in hotels and office buildings because there is nowhere else to place them.
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