Will the KCRCC consist of grassroots MAGA Republicans like you, or “Astroturfed” -fake grass roots- members of special interest groups? You will decide Tuesday May 21st. - BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullRepublicans must pass and enforce laws against this, prosecute those who commit crimes, and institutionalize those on the street. - BY DAILY VERASITY STAFF
Read FullShelia believes that other parents need to "pull their heads out of the sand" and address the skyrocketing mental health problems within the Public School system... - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullCompeting titles of the same subject, just different views: One is a Marxist, fatalist view. The other is one of protecting property rights and individual freedom. - BY KATHLEEN
Read Full“Gem State Conservatives” are so desperate to take back their power, they’ve even recruited LOBBYISTS to run for these positions! - BY DANIEL BOBINSKI
Read Full...people in Washington “pride themselves on being awful,” resulting in him and his wife spending their free time outside of the left-leaning city. - BY SARAH ARNOLD
Read FullPublic lands are for all Americans to enjoy and cherish, not just the Biden administration’s preferred environmental buddies. This isn’t conservation; it’s a land grab. - BY GABRIELLA HOFFMAN
Read FullThe Idaho Freedom Foundation's Freedom Index, launched in 2013, has been referred to as the “gold standard” for state-based legislative scorecards. Get your copy today. - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUDATIKON
Read FullNumerous people I trust have spoken highly of Adams. His pharmaceutical background and experience with cutting government regulations make him perhaps the best person for this job. BY BRIAN
Read FullThe Federalist has thrown another monkey wrench into Special Counsel Jack Smith’s politically motivated show trial of former President Donald Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case. - BY PAT DRONEY
Read FullIt’s long past time to restore America’s election integrity. Without fair elections, we do not have a free country. - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY
Read FullGillis says IFF does good work, but clearly disagrees with a small and incomplete sample of “crime bill” ratings that represent about 4% of bill ratings. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullThe “green” revolution to occasionally generated electricity from wind and solar has the world on the cusp of a Green Embargo by China... -BY RONALD STEIN, P.E.
Read Full...the Court’s docket is that (Roberts) describes a Court that “can only hear roughly 150 cases each term.” Now, the Court's hearing barely more than 60. - BY IAN MILLHISER
Read FullGovernment schools are indoctrinating our children to death,” cntributing to the highest drug overdose, suicide, school shooting rates, and the spiritual death of America’s youth. - BY LIBERTY SENTINEL STAFF
Read FullBiden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton: they have all been complicit in carrying out the Deep State’s agenda sliding us ever closer towards a pervasive authoritarianism. - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullThe old guard establishment believes power is its birthright and that the repudiation it faced in 2022 was a minor speed bump. - BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullScrutinize every piece of information disseminated by the government for accuracy and truth. Above all, conduct research on whatever the government is reporting. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullStates Must Stop: *The Invasion, *Illegal Voting and the *UN New World Order... Or AMERICA - WILL – BE - GONE! - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SPEAKERS BUREAU
Read FullThe NIR logo is a White Elephant and a “White Elephant” is something that is costly, of no use, and difficult to remove. Perfect! - BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullWhile America was expanding westward, the son of a Spokane Indian chief helped bring the Gospel to the Indians of the Pacific Northwest. - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullThe debate over causes of the broken economy—laissez-faire government, poorly managed globalization, the rise of technology in favor of the few,...is wide open. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullPalestine will be liberated when Palestinians throw out Hamas barbarians who steal their humanitarian-aid resources, use them as human shields, and bring them nothing but misery. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read Full...DMV employees cannot ask them if they're a legal U.S. citizen. So, every illegal alien in Nevada who drives is automatically registered to vote. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullGermany invested a fortune in wind,/solar which are unable to meet energy needs, it simultaneously shut down clean, safe, functioning nuclear plants that were paid for. -BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullThe KCRCC is the only conservative institution, recognized by the Idaho GOP and elected by the Republican voters, to represent YOUR interests. - BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullIoE does mean everything...what you eat, buy, watch, read, where you go...and the ability to do any of it will be under control of the IoE. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWatch both the interviews here and visit the Primary Pulse for more information on both candidates. - BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullThe overarching point here is that many fiscal notes don’t merely underestimate costs; they are flat-out wrong. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read Full“We’re all GAZA Now.” Trump was Right. One Rigged & Stolen Election has Turned America into a Third World Craphole. -BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullChina is allied and works in partnership with the WEF to empower the Great Reset over OUR nation – not theirs. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullObama and his Marxist comrades use a government partnership with media and social media to push propaganda and misinformation out to the public 24/7,... - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullJames Madison: “As the greatest danger to liberty is from large standing armies, it's best to prevent them by an effectual provision for a good militia.” - BY MICHAEL
Read FullThe danger of CBDCs, how they would be used for control, is enough to pursue the idea of a state bank for protection of Idaho citizens. -BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullI am pleased to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the conservative victories we've achieved together this session. - BY REPRESENTATIVE VITO BARBIERI
Read Full