The John Birch Society provides a national program designed to counter the Deep State/Big Government agenda and to restore our rights. - BY BILL HAHN
Read FullThey discuss the current situation with the mass quarantine and a recent rally held in Spokane Washington. - BY TNA VIDEO
Read FullThe KCRCC doesn’t need bought politicians on it. But instead eager members happy to serve their precincts. - BY CHUCKLEBERRIESONLINE.COM
Read Fullthe Left's focus weaned on Hate America First ideology — is getting exactly what it wants via fear-mongering and consequent lockdowns: furthering America's destruction. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullMichael Moore's film illustrates on the ground at various sites, how and why every major solar project in the country has failed miserably. - BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullBuffet: "...we get tax credits if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without it.” - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullCongress is not introducing this bill for medical purposes, but is, instead, increasing the surveillance state, in gross violation of the Constitution. The army of snitches... - BY BEN SWANN
Read FullOur Legislature must understand that they have a very important role to play to support the Constitution. We as free Americans must stand for the truth. - BY JIM HOLLINGSWORTH
Read FullPeople are still terrified of a virus that even the government has admitted isn’t any worse than the flu. Why? Because the media, the government’s lapdog... - BY MAC SLAVO
Read FullA fearful population is a population that’s easily manipulated. There are enough people who will accept any proposed remedy so they can feel safe. - BY GARY DEMAR
Read FullArrhenius...mistakenly attributed the warming caused by water vapour (H2O) to CO2. All the evidence since confirms the error. This means CO2 is not greenhouse gas. - BY DR. TIM BALL
Read FullSilicon Valley elites and Deep State allies want to do your thinking for you determining what Iinformation you get to see — and what to hide... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full...let’s hope that Mr. Barr and Mr. Durham surprise us by demonstrating that they are not members of the deep state. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThe-Powers-That-Be sculpt and form the public through the media and schools to make people into their own images, and those images are not good. - BY JEREMIAH JOHNSON
Read FullIt’s irresponsible and reckless to take money from America’s taxpayers and use it to save generations of liberal politicians from consequences of reckless spending. - BY LARRY BELL
Read Full...the raw number of coronavirus deaths in the U.S. is now being inflated at a troubling rate. See: Coronavirus Death Numbers Are A Complete Fraud. - BY JIM WAGNER
Read thing is clear...– Obama was out to get Flynn and he had some willing accomplices available at the January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting. BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full...will humanity fight for its value and worth? Or will it allow its value to be determined by an elite few,... - BY JASON CHARLES
Read FullWhile progressives blame social crises on the free market, Republicans and conservatives are unwilling to admit the problems were caused by prior government interventions. - BY RON PAUL
Read FullHAZARDOUS LIBERTY RALLEY in Olympia, WA with speakers Rep Matt Shea, Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer & Matt Marshall - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full... it opens the door to "voter fraud and coercion... and gives partisan activists absolute control over physical ballots." - BY TONY PERKINS
Read FullMichael Moore and Jeff Gibbs have done us a great service in exposing the environmental degradation from pseudo-renewable energy. Now they just need to reexamine... - BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read FullWe can’t keep doing business as usual so we need an alternative to Keynsianism and Monetarism that has proven so disastrous. - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullState governments should make the decisions on business shutdowns, but they should allow businesses flexibility to reopen if they can in a safe manner. - BY CHRIS EDWARDS
Read FullThe 412 Church in Murreitta and a sister congregation in San Jacinto have already begun holding in-person church services. - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullUsing (COVID-19) as a cover, these authoritarian globalists are imposing all kinds of new restrictions on the masses using fear and coercion to get done rapidly. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read Full...Tweets alleged Fauci and none other than Barack Hussein Obama had orchestrated a “hoax” to tank the economy, spelling doom for a president whose main... - BY JONS NEWS PLACE
Read FullThe Legislature needs to return to Boise. It needs to fix this mess before more lives are hurt and businesses ruined. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullOur Legislative Republicans' Safe Economic Restart Plan includes immediate, legislative and long-term (6-12 month) options. - BY WA REPRESENTATIVE MIKE VOLZ
Read FullFor the sake of America, liberty, and the rule of law, it is imperative that criminals in high places face justice. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullSince I doubt the tame media in Washington State will cover the status of these cases accurately or comprehensively, I hope to provide regular updates... - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullTwo of the shadowy figures behind the dishonestly-named “Idaho Conservatives” website aren’t conservatives at all. No surprise. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read Full...perhaps many of your customers that feel as I do will be joining the exodus from Costco — at least until you demonstrate that you... - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read Full...for some undisclosed reason, Lorna was told to leave the premises." The "undisclosed reason" must be revealed, as it may explain her death. - BY YOICHI SHIMATSU
Read FullIdaho residents have encountered various layers to government interference such as recommendation, inconvenience, stolen economic opportunity and Boise has the worst: he lack of estimated dates... - BY LINDSAY ATKINSON
Read FullGo back to work Idaho and the people will physically enforce your right to prosperity. – BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full