The legislature does not want you to be present! They don’t want you paying attention! So this tactic always works. -BY DIEGO RODRIQUEZ
Read FullHe might be a whiz kid at creating computer software, but Bill Gates has proven time and again he hasn’t a clue about why or how... - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThis outrageous scheme in Tennessee is a flagrant attack on the most fundamental God-given rights of every parent and child in the state. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullThe enduring beauty of fascism is that it requires so little from us… so little independent thought; just our basic belief and adherence to a limited... - BY MARK PETRAKIS
Read FullThe Leftists clearly want the rest of the state to get the Seattle treatment. The future will, once again, belong to those who show up. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThere were several arrests made the Capitol and it is going to be completely misinterpreted and completely blown out of proportion by the news media. - BY DIEGO RODRIQUEZ
Read FullRacism and anti-Semitism were second nature to him, and yet the cancel culture gives him a free pass every time. - BY PAUL KENGOR
Read FullBy refusing to cooperate with FDA rules and regulations, and passing laws that encourage the growth of markets in federally-prohibited items, state and local action can nullify... - BY TAC
Read FullNo branch of California government is commanded by a majority that understands energy. California has the least reliable electrical power system in the United States. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullThe SPLC is a far-left organization with an obvious,” the RNC said. “The SPLC makes a practice of incorrectly labeling persons and organizations as ‘hate groups.’” - BY ANDREW
Read FullLIberals are the last to discover political bias because they assume what they believe is the standard by which all other views must be judged. - BY JOE CARTER
Read FullDENIS RANCOURT: "If there is a benefit to wearing a mask, it's too small to be detected by science." - BY TNA VIDEO
Read FullVery far-left, experienced agitators have banded together to defeat President Trump by targeting Bernie Sanders communist voters to convince them to vote for Joe Biden. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...the biggest challenge for Republicans is to not become overconfident. They cannot afford to rest on their laurels. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read Full...“environmentalism.” Why an “-ism”? Because it's a political ideology, pure and simple. Environmentalism is simply another illiberal ideology in the vein of socialism, fascism or communism. - BY MARK HENDERSON
Read FullBiden is proposing some $7 trillion in additional spending, most of it permanent, which will eventually require even more enormous tax hikes than... - BY THE EDITORS OF NATIONAL REVIEW
Read Full...part of their plan is to disrupt the 2020 election and force vote counting into the federal courts, where liberal judges will rewrite election laws according... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullAgenda 21/2050/Green New Deal is/are about the three Es: Environment, Economy, and social Equity.. just in case that isn’t enough there is the Endangered Species Act... - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullBuy the media and you won't have to worry about the media. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullAny fines levied or attempt to barricade our doors would now be political interference with an active Senate Campaign. - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullThat is why your vote in November is really between Communism and Freedom! - BY JOAN SWIRSKY
Read Full...the left-wing Washington Post reported in 2014 on a study showing that non-citizen voters might have already tipped U.S. elections — in Democrats’ favor. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullLegislation will be introduced during the upcoming special session that supporters say will protect businesses from Covid-19 lawsuits. Supporters are wrong: If anything, the legislation will... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read Full...the newly released Plandemic 2, is literally the most shocking and highly researched, carefully annotated, and evidence-based exposé on the web of corruption surrounding the “coronavirus pandemic.” - BY GUNNER
Read FullThe Spokane City Council is taking up the issue of adding FLUORIDE to our municipal water supply. Industry advocates and local politicians apparently have little regard... - BY STEVE BUSCH
Read FullDo Write-in political campaigns work in Washington State? Have write-in candidates won before? What laws apply? This video covers these topics and more. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThe plaintiffs allege that the law violates their rights to “equal protection,” “due process,” and freedom “from unconstitutional searches and seizures.” - BY MARY ROSE CORKERY
Read FullCan government place cameras/monitoring equipment on private citizen’s land at will, or conduct surveillance and stakeouts on private land, without probable cause or search warrants? - BY CHRIS BENNETT
Read FullThis book is an important lesson in the history of journalism and a case study of how the media lie to advance a political agenda. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read is completely legal and constitutional for governments to fine, imprison, or deny employment to people who say no to the jabs, no matter the reason. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullThe South Dakota economy never shut down, despite enormous pressure from the Left-wing MSM. - BY PAMELA GELLER
Read FullSupervisors of elections across America need to get smart. They all need to sign up to ERIC, the nation-wide data-base to track double-registrations. - BY KENNETH R. TIMMERMAN
Read Full...we are now living in a world that has fallen apart. Our culture has collapsed while we were trying to understand what was happening. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullThe real reason more options won’t be made available: Lawmakers prefer to kneel at the altar of the education cartels. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read Full...majority of Americans don’t want to defund police. They want law and order. They support police. Even 80% of black voters overwhelmingly disagree with defunding police. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThe power mongers, the totalitarians, are ready to steamroll the compliant, apathetic populace. Anyone who opposes their mantra will be destroyed. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full