The largest corporations in the country are now brazenly colluding with the DNC in a un-American attempt to rig the election and ensure Biden defeats Trump. - BY JON SCHWEPPE
Read FullWhat actions do Idaho citizens need to take? Yes, we are being played as fools if we do not take action to end this tyranny. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThe future really does belong to those who show up and voting is just part of showing up this year. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullMaking matters even worse, nongovernmental election groups have deluged Pennsylvania voters with mail-in ballot applications, urging voters to request mail-in ballots. - BY PAMELA GELLAR
Read Full"Any school that adopts the '1619 Project' as a model-has a moral obligation to inform students of the racist legacy of the New York Times." - BY BILL DONOHUE
Read Full...Greta Thunberg would state, "How Dare You"undermine our Constitutions, mock and exclude those who elected you, collectivize decisions within yourself, and use tax dollars for fun. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full...the “Poll Watch” poll released this week that shows Trump winning nationally, in battleground states, and in the Electoral College. Trump dominates on the two issues... - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullLifelong Republican, LA County Corrections at 19 to Deputy and Intelligence Sargent by 25, During 33 years was SWAT and Joint Bureau Captain working Organized Crime/Vice. – BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full...the Department of Health and Human Services “coached” doctors on how to write up death certificates to pad the numbers of deaths... - BY TIM BROWN
Read Full...Trump will have to declare victory based on legitimate ballots and remain in power. The Supreme Court may be called upon to validate that victory by... - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullThe companies making the flu shot have to guess which strains will be dominant each year, and they often don’t get it right. - BY CASSIE B.
Read FullThe top budget priority of the 2021 legislative session is for the governor and legislators to return the budget surplus to Idaho taxpayers. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullIt’s not about fighting the virus, but punishing political and cultural enemies. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullBefore you learned that the CIA had hired Brennan, did you ever imagine in your wildest dreams that the CIA would hire an avowed anti-American? - BY ROBERT CURRY
Read FullJacks: "...I think all it will take is numbers and a reminder... there’s a reason you guys feared the Communists more than you feared the Nazis.” - BY GEORGE
Read FullConcerned Americans need to be angry about the way the Surveillance State is and have the courage to see that it does not stay that way. - BY MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullWe must STOP the silliness and over-regulation and allow sound public land management, never forgetting that public lands are FOR the public. - BY DEL ALBRIGHT
Read FullIf Bob Norris wasn’t paying for a promotion, perhaps he should show his other generous donations to voters; the only other one we found... - BY EDITOR THE IDAHO REPORT
Read FullThe Kootenai County Deputy Sheriff’s Association (KCDSA) appears to have broken numerous campaign finance laws. - BY EDITOR THE IDAHO REPORT
Read FullIf there's one video Americans need to watch before voting in the 2020 presidential race, this is it, says talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh. - BY RUSH LIMBAUGH
Read FullThe Civil Rights Act of 1964 is federal civil rights legislation that prohibits discrimination in numerous settings including: employment, education, voting, and public accommodations. - BY HEALTH FREEDOM IDAHO
Read Full“Obama intends to focus his efforts on early voting states in the final two weeks of the race, the officials tell CNN. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...Pope Francis’ arguments regarding capitalism, property rights, the world economy, and world economic systems confuses mercantilism, colonialism, and imperialism with capitalism. - BY DR. JOHN M. LIVINGSTON
Read FullThere is much talk about who is behind globalization, the elite, the UN, but the fact is the U.S. federal government is very much involved… - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWashington State Representative Matt Shea. Matt gives a great overview on how to organize and change the debate to help all activists get started. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThe new tech lords have amassed outlandish fortunes (even in a time of pandemic)... and is driving the renewable energy revolution and thus the push to “decarbonization.” - BY DUGGAN
Read FullBut don’t hold your breath waiting for the left-wing media to correct anything. They aren’t interested in facts; only in false narratives that can hurt Trump... - BY MIKE BURNS
Read FullNow imagine adding several tens of thousands of electric vehicles (EVs) draining further dwindling supplies of reliable energy from all those power-hungry plug-ins on windless nights. - BY LARRY BELL
Read FullAmong the most populous counties and cities in Idaho that did not participate were Canyon and Kootenai counties, and the cities of Caldwell and Post Falls. - BY MATT TOBECK
Read FullAntifa members are generally young, white militants who have bought into the promises of socialistic utopia, and are willing to use violence to achieve it. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullBonner County mother of 3 year old denied care at orthopedic surgeon's office due to forced compliance of mask wearing and the child's refusal to abide. - INTERVIEW BY RACHEL
Read FullExposing the vaccine agenda and the vested interests behind it, Plandemic went viral generating millions of views before being removed from major platforms including YouTube, Facebook... BY MIKKI WILLIS
Read FullThe Center for Disease Control saw that a virus they knew could easily be manipulated was something that was very valuable. - BY DAVID E. MARTIN, PHD
Read FullDemand that Attorney General Barr Take Action. I am sick of this inaction as the swamp ignores us! Let’s put someone in jail – Now!! - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThe issue is whether Trump’s enemies could have somehow placed the virus in the vicinity of Trump or his family, exposing them to the deadly disease. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read Full...Democrats have stolen elections over the past many decades by enlisting votes of illegal aliens, absentee voters who simply don't exist, and of course, dead voters. - BY JOAN
Read Full