PART 2: The enemies of America, the enemies of God, family, and all that is sacred, are waging open, Total War,... - VIDEO BY CASEY AND AUSTIN WHALEN
Read FullA documentary exploring how artificial intelligence is changing life as we know it — from jobs to privacy to a growing rivalry between the U.S... - BY FANNING AND DOCHERTY
Read FullIt’s all there. All the cards fell into place. Liberals and the biased and bribed mainstream media are just too blind to see it. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThe enemies of America, the enemies of God, family, and all that is sacred, are waging open, Total War,... - VIDEO BY CASEY AND AUSTIN WHALEN
Read FullRight now on the ground in the still standing (barely) good old U.S.A., how are we seeing Cancel Culture in action? - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullWashington's 2019 Electricity Act must be cancelled as Washington's Wizard of Oz is uncloaked. The scheme to create the Washington Clean Electricity Act fails the scientific ... BY DAVID BOLENEUS
Read FullFor journalists, the best way to avoid libel suits is to do responsible reporting. Don’t be shy about investigating wrongdoing committed by powerful people, agencies, institutions,... - BY TONY
Read FullMailchimp determined it will use its “sole discretion” to determine whether messages are misleading and can be removed. -BY FRED LUCAS
Read FullIf Harris was to apply for a mid-level job in the Department of Agriculture, she would almost certainly fail the security background check. - BY TREVOR LOUDON
Read FullOverall, the pandemic has caused a decrease in statewide enrollments for the first time since 1997. - BY DAVID BODKIN
Read FullPurism’s model would break the chain of data-harvesting before it reaches anyone. Government agencies cannot purchase data that is never collected. - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullThe U.S. government's recent attitude towards journalism has been decidedly mixed. - BY TOM HEAD
Read FullTell corrupt, career politician Joe Biden and his radical leftist partner, Kamala Harris, that America refuses their anti-American hope for change.... - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT
Read FullIt’s 100 percent certainty that if socialist Democrats took control of levers of power in 2021, they would destroy the economy, dramatically increase violence across America,... - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullJust because you don’t see any idols being worshiped doesn’t mean you’re not in the company of demons subtly teaching you their doctrines. - BY ROBERT W. PECK
Read FullCERES researchers, raises surprising and unsettling questions about the feasibility and the environmental impacts of the transition to renewable energy sources. - BY CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH & EARTH SCIENCES
Read FullWe cannot survive much longer as a free nation, as a free people, unless we start pushing back, legally. -BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullThis is a time for all Christians to uncover the complete truth about pedophile rings operating here and abroad, sometimes with protection of Catholic Church officials... - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullJournalists are determined to drag “Landslide Joe” to victory. - BY ROBERT STACEY McCAIN
Read FullIn plain language this means that from now on our emissions from burning fossil fuels could have little or no further impact on global warming. - BY DAVID WOJICK,
Read FullCalling all Patriots: This is the year, this is the hour. The enemies of America, the enemies of God, family, and all that is sacred, are waging open, Total War…
Read FullThe John Birch mission in 11 words: Less government, more responsibility, and with God’s help – a better world. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullThis flip-flop and more are revealed in my recent exposé, “The Many Masks of Anthony Fauci.” - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullThe mine would employ over 500 workers, representing a substantial economic boost to the sparsely populated rural area where jobs are scarce. - BY BONNER COHEN, Ph. D.
Read FullIt’s time people awoke from their slumber, turned off the television, quit believing the narrative of the “right/left” paradigm and start shutting down tyrants and defending liberty! - BY TIM BROWN
Read Full...these leftists in full infantile-dependency mode, are calling on their mommies and daddies in the media, big tech and the Big Daddy billionaires to save them. - BY JOAN
Read FullThese selfish government teachers’ union leaders don’t represent Idaho values. They don’t represent the best interests of our children. They shouldn’t be paid unless they teach. BY DR. JOHN
Read FullI’ve been calling this the Michael Dukakis election of 2020 for months now. All through the summer with Biden up by double digits, just like Dukakis. -BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullAmerica was not founded as a magic place where aid is abundant and stuff is free. America is about FREEDOM! Freedom to be resourceful and pursue whatever... -BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullWhen confronted with irrefutable truth, Norris and his supporters usually resort to personal attacks rather than discussing the issues. - BY
Read FullEvery year thousands of ballots are rejected in Washington State - You can verify your ballot isn't on this list and make sure your vote counts. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThere are so many moving parts to this salacious story. - BY FREDY LOWE
Read FullTyranny, lies, censorship, and fear-mongering are never a good solution to anything...with viral infections, as with most problems facing humanity today, freedom is the cure. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullThis is not a healthy trajectory for the city. What happens in Seattle never stays in Seattle. It spreads… - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThey think all the energy we need can be supplied by building enough wind and solar farms; and enough batteries...simple truth is that we can't. - BY MARK MILLS
Read FullChief Quigley said the terrorists behind the threatening letters could face serious federal charges. - BY A. M. SMITH
Read Full