Communist China is petitioning the World Health Organization (WHO) to let it build a global “vaccine passport” surveillance system, which the authoritarian regime claims... - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullTry fighting this state "centralized planning" onslaught on the local level??!!! This will be expensive, and enviros will run the show!! Vote No dear legislators!! - BY CINDY ZAPOTOCKY
Read FullFor lawmakers, and for the governor, this is the time to defend the state’s sovereignty and protect its residents from sweeping edicts from Washington, D.C. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read Full...who’s getting allow this to happen? Who would you pay if you were a Mexican Drug Cartel kingpin? The Biden family and the Democrat Party. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullAll three of these resolutions missed the March 9 deadline by not even getting out of committees. - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY
Read FullWill courts step up to the plate? Will state attorneys general? Will Republicans become better informed about our energy lifeblood, better organized, less focused on less... - BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read FullIt is … up to the states to save this country from President Biden’s liberal and illegal wish list.… - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullAll governments are criminal enterprises thriving on the mass looting of their citizens. They are above the law and respect no rule of law that stands... - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullWhile some of the information may not be what you want to hear… It’s all that you NEED to hear. Hold the line. - BY LT. GENERAL MICHAEL FLYNN
Read FullIn December 2020, a U.K. company published false and misleading information about NVIC and its conference, prompting NVIC to open the whole conference for free viewing. - BY DR. MERCOLA
Read FullJustice Thomas's dissenting opinion is worth reading in its entirety. Thomas zeroes in on two key issues: legislative versus judicial power, and problems with mail-in voting. - BY MICAH MORRISON
Read Full...showers money on special interests spending, less than 9% on the virus, and gives San Francisco $600 million, essentially wiping out 92% of their budget deficit. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullA shooting war, they say, is too old fashioned and the trade, cyber and cultural domains are where our war with Red China, if America actually... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullTexas' Ken Paxton: We must address the issue before it's too late. - BY ART MOORE
Read FullWhy would anyone in the Idaho Legislature support Boise State as it is supported by BLM? - BY DUSTIN HURST
Read FullAdjusted for today’s dollars the Second World War cost $4.1 trillion. On March 11, 2021 the United States committed to spend nearly half of that. - BY CFACT ED
Read Full...fodder for those who have the eerie sense that the government/industry pandemic response feels like it was planned — before there was a pandemic. - BY ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR.
Read FullBill Gates just scored $3.5 billion in covid bailout money for one of his non-profit groups, proving that the covid “stimulus” is nothing more than stealing... - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullJohn Carney calculated that a family with two jobless parents and three kids could net more than $92,000 if they exploit all the plan’s many subsidies. - BY CORT KIRKWOOD
Read Full250 words that nail it! - BY CANADAVE
Read FullAs president, Biden is showing his love for the New World Order and his hatred for the Constitution he has sworn to defend. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullSurely Idaho can invest that money into local communities, supporting local childcare providers who would provide more appropriate early childhood education rather than a cesspool of... - BY KAREN
Read Full'Catastrophic' harms will be felt for a generation – BY ART MOORE
Read FullThe current trends to shutter continued uninterruptible electricity generating plants is revealing the insanity of relying on intermittent electricity generated from weather-dependent wind and solar. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullIt’s full-blown medical tyranny, government insanity and vaccine terrorism all the way. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullTax dollars should not be given to a government media source disseminating propaganda that violates the integrity of family life and advocates for radical ideologies - FROM ANNA MILLER
Read FullIf the resullts prove fraud then the question would then become whether to look at the results in other swing states. - BY STEVEN AHLE
Read FullAttention Republicans: Democrats don’t want to defeat you; they want to destroy you. It’s time to wake up and get in the game! - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThe New York Democrat electorate is fine with leadership that approves of prenatal infanticide up to birth; every sexual devolutionary “innovation” imaginable; and, after... - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullTwo bills will be voted on within the next few days, and if passed, I believe will stifle your freedom of speech and right to assemble. - BY REP. HEATHER
Read FullForce all the boards to be better money managers and secondly, force them to be forthright and honest with us regarding funding — all funding. - BY GARY NYSTROM
Read Full…will transfer authority over how elections are administered from states to the federal government, subject private citizens to intimidation and harassment for their private and political beliefs… - BY MASOOMA HAQ
Read FullEO 14008 is loaded with expansion of government, employees, control, decimation of freedom to choose how we live, predetermine jobs, and loss of local jurisdictional control… - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThose who grew up believing in the United States, grateful for liberty and freedom must engage in daily efforts to keep the American Eagle soaring. - BY ELAINE WILLMAN, MPA
Read FullMexico is smarter than US; this is reality in Mexico. Voter registration cards with photo and fingerprint with hologram preventing forgery is the law in Mexico. – BY JEFFERY SCHMIDT
Read FullCan you imagine with no official qualifications who Biden might appoint to the Supreme Court? Any age, gender, or nationality, FOR LIFE, what a frightening thought. - BY STEVE DUNHAM
Read Full