Some recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol. -BY SENATOR PETER RIGGS
Read FullUnfortunately the bill does nothing for business taxes and doesn't follow popular opinion to repeal a most regressive Idaho tax - sales tax on groceries. - BY REP. RON NATE
Read FullRevenue forecast shows WA doesn’t need state income tax. - Many of the policing-reform bills proposed this session are bad for public health and safety. - BY REP. JEFF
Read FullMedia mavens have swooned over the gender/race diversity of the Biden Cabinet, but they ignore the globalist ideological sameness of the appointments. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read Full...we’ve been conned into believing we are ‘owning’ property, when in fact...we’re only in ‘possession’ of property utilizing it as a renter or tenant would. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read Full“The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false, and teaching it is even much less so,” the course reads. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullThe question to ask the Biden Administration, States and their power utilities is this: How will you provide power on hot or cold low wind nights? - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullGiven the Act’s purpose of promoting LGBTQ, doctors and facilities could similiarly be forced to perform or support gender reassignment surgeries in violation of both their... - BY HUNTER PRIBYL-HUGUELET
Read matter what new discoveries show us, even when they run completely counter to the Climate Change hoax narrative it’s perpetuators painfully contort and distort data... - BY MATHEW HOLLOWAY
Read FullA reporter threatened to kill New Jersey representative Jeff Van Drew, a former Democrat representative who switched to the Republican Party out of principle. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullHaaland’s unique positions include wanting to use marijuana to fund schools. ...the Haaland nomination, a tool of extremist elements intent on dismantling America’s industrial base. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullAs usual, government was wrong. Government made things much worse. As usual, liberal Democrat ideas failed miserably. Lockdowns are perhaps the worst mistake in America’s history. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...Durham isn’t Mueller 2.0. I don’t think he has plans to punt his charging decisions to the DOJ so Garland can make them for him. - BY BRIAN CATES
Read FullMake no mistake, Education Inc. is winning the 2021 legislative session. For every winner there’s a loser, and that’s Idaho’s public schoolchildren. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullState legislatures can, and should, pass legislation to counter any federal government policy that violates the Constitution. - BY PETER RYKOWSKI
Read FullWhen we are conquered by our enemies, we can rejoice knowing we will have the most diverse POWs. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullDon’t mistake wokies for wookies, as wookies are empathetic, intelligent, caring life forms that actually help defend human freedom against evil tyranny (like the Empire). - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullMichigan Court of Claims Chief Judge Christopher Murray ruled in Genetski v. Benson that Benson’s directives violated the state’s Administrative Procedures Act. - BY DEBRA HEINE
Read Full... legislative budget writers now have $5 billion more available in state funds than what was forecast in November. Clearly, there is no reason for tax increases.- BY SENATOR MIKE
Read FullWashington state received more good news this week as the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council released its quarterly revenue forecast. - BY REP. ROB CHASE
Read FullAcademics must begin confronting unfounded criticism head on, lest radical progressives succeed in convincing the world through aggressive bully tactics that 2+2 really does equal 5, - BY ROBERT BRIDGE
Read Full...the gauge is set to move from “gradually” to “suddenly” now, and there will be plenty of shock and awe when it does. - BY ROGER KIMBALL
Read FullWhile many of the aliens are decent, hardworking people, many are not. I think this tragic immigration policy will create political, financial, and cultural anarchy. - BY DON BOYS, Ph.D
Read FullFor the umpteenth time! We are against subsidies because they distort markets. - BY MARK MATHIS
Read FullIn this interview with The New American magazine's Senior Editor Alex Newman, Georgia civil practice attorney Alex Johnson explains what he is doing... - BY TNA VIDEO
Read Full'Since his first day in office, President Biden has made it his mission to undo all the progress of the previous administration.' - BY PAUL SACCA
Read FullThe Idaho Legislature can help to stop the spread of this virulent ideology as it considers university budgets and other related laws. - BY SCOTT YENOR
Read FullNullification is not limited. State legislatures can, and should, pass legislation to counter any federal government policy that violates the Constitution. - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY
Read Full“Lockdowns themselves impose great harm on people: [They] are not a natural, normal way to live,” the Stanford University professor, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya ultimately remarked. - BY RAMON TOMEY
Read FullChances are that Biden and his handlers will not relent. This is an ideological hard-left movement. Common sense, and the will of the people means nothing. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullCollaborator Sanders, if not a member, of the Democratic Socialists of America is now driving the agenda on the road from capitalism to socialism and communism. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullPelosi is cherry picking. She distorts an event with no reference to the big picture or the fact that Central American crop production is way up... - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullThere is plenty that can be said about the consistent anti-Americanism of the ever-ambitious John Kerry... - BY JOHN F. MCMANUS
Read FullSheriff Daniels does not want his officers assaulted and he will never give a stand-down order and anyone attacking them will surely pay a price. - BY STEVEN AHLE
Read Full“Facebook and Google are no longer companies, they’re countries,” Thomas reveals during a conversation with a Project Veritas journalist. - BY NATALIE WINTERS
Read FullUnderstand the lies of the Great Reset cabal whose greatest fear is that the oppressed will finally get off our knees, stand up, and say: NO!!! - BY
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