General McInereny: ..."the Chinese Communist Party in conjunction with other nations and the Democratic Party are engaging in "hybrid warfare" against the United States." - BY JD RUCKER
Read Full"That plan includes taking that legislation and getting the signatures necessary for a legislative initiative so it can become law without Gretchen Whitmer's signature," - BY THEODORE BUNKER
Read FullDonald Trump taught Republicans how to fight. Can they stave off annihilation? Time will tell. - BY JEFFERY A. RENDALL
Read FullThrough nullification people are able to exercise their natural right to resist the unjust and illegal actions of their government when it violates the limitations placed... BY TJ MARTINELL
Read Full... there are few dangers more acute than the weaponization of these security state instruments against U.S. citizens for political ends. - BY GLENN GREENWALD
Read FullIn contrast, 600 people were killed in 2019 with “personal weapons”: fists, feet, and hands. Knives and other cutting tools were used in 1,476 murders. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullJen Psaki said that Biden is in frequent contact with Barack Obama. This could explain why Biden hired Obama’s staff including his key advisor, Valerie Jarrett. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...this is a cap and trade system for HFCs, with caps that decline over time to the point where almost no HFCs are allowed in America. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read Full“Is Critical Race Theory coming to an elementary school near you?” The answer is yes. Deceptive groups want to use taxpayer dollars to ensure Critical Theory infiltrates... - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullThe most recent attack on property rights, gaining momentum across the nation, is called 30×30. The plan calls for locking away 30% of America’s land and waters.- BY TOM DEWEESE
Read Full...the Chinese opened a financial institution in Russia to strengthen the financial relationship between the two nations and the beginnings of the ‘de-dollarization’. - BY SEAN ADL-TABATABAI
Read FullIt will be a challenge knowing what to do with that silver or gold coin, or even a paper dollar when it happens. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullConsider that if the filibuster goes away the dam holding back the transformation of America will burst: - BY CHQ STAFF
Read FullThe pandemic, school closures nationwide, and some parents seeing the racialized and sexualized classroom curricula have changed this statistic significantly. - BY STACEY LENNOX
Read FullThis biblical open letter to the clergy of the US, is a call on the Church to stand for true Justice–and to do it now! - BY DR. JOHN DIAMOND
Read Full"As a conservative and constitutionalist, I fully support any and all measures taken by the Idaho Legislature to safeguard our Constitutional Rights. - BY ART MACOMBER, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR IDAHO
Read FullOn FRANK, find a home where you can post videos, livestream television, distribute news and information, and find community and fellowship with likeminded Americans. - BY JESSICA MARIE BAUMGARTNER
Read FullExpectations were created that with President Biden’s government, there would be a better treatment of migrants. - BY BOWEN XIAO
Read FullThe Supremacy Clause tells those in the federal government that their power is limited by the Constitution and that the States do not have to submit... - BY KRISANNE HALL, JD
Read FullDoctors routinely ignore the data and lie about vaccine side effects and hospitalizations - BY LANCE D. JOHNSON
Read FullActivists who believe in woke historical revisionism like Wilson don’t want to improve America; like the monuments they despise, they want to destroy it. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullInducting Jill Biden into a National Hall of Shame for the elder abuse of her failing husband...what she is doing is cruel and inhumane... BY JOAN SWIRSKY
Read FullOne of the toughest challenges for the global warming crowd occurs when, after the passage of time, the doom they predicted is nowhere to be seen. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullPositive action according to God's leading is necessary to implement change in a corrupt world of fantastic, unrealistic goals meant to deconstruct a constructive union. - BY A. DRU KRTISTENEV
Read FullThe court ruling, handed down on Wednesday, could have serious ramifications for lawful gun owners around the country. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullI haven’t covered all the lies, misdirection, and treachery here, but I have shown enough to help you understand there is a confederacy of evil... -BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullClimate Change: Phony? Fraud? Fill in your own word. No matter what, it comes out to deception, which is a tool of evil. - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read state government can — and must — nullify unconstitutional power grabs by the Deep State-controlled federal government. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full...lawsuit that alleged the firm illegally tracked the online activities of its users when they aren’t on the platform, in violation of the federal Wiretap Act.. - BY JACK PHILLIPS
Read FullI have no doubt that deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines will end up far exceeding the number of actual COVID-19 deaths. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullFrom the governor’s emergency powers to legislation strengthening our DUI laws, debate has been passionate, and the consequences have been high. - BY SENATOR MIKE PADDENB
Read FullWake up, America. At all cost, this movement must be stopped and, insofar as it has already succeeded, it must be reversed. - BY MARK GLENNON
Read FullThe official Microsoft website proclaims with pride that the company deeply values its partnership with communist China and various communist Chinese corporations. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read Full...$3 trillion on boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions, and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...gun owners would need to undergo a “psychological evaluation,” take a training course, and have “firearm insurance” that would cost $800 to obtain. - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY
Read FullThe government has now created a “perfect storm” situation where the lack of labor, skyrocketing price inflation and collapsing supply lines will lead to a catastrophic collapse. BY MIKE ADAMS
Read Full